논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-08 Performance of calf circumference in identifying sarcopenia in older patients with chronic low back pain: a retrospective cross-sectional study BMC Geriatrics
2024-07 Influence of frailty status on the health-related quality of life in older patients with chronic low back pain: a retrospective observational study Quality of Life Research
2024-05 Use of Baclofen as a Treatment for Nocturnal Calf Cramps in Individuals With Lumbar Spinal Stenosis American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
2024-04 A mouse model of chronic primary pain that integrates clinically relevant genetic vulnerability, stress, and minor injury Science Translational Medicine
2024-01 Infraspinatus-teres minor (ITM) interfascial block: a novel approach for combined suprascapular and axillary nerve block Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2023-07 Neuropathic pain component and its association with time elapsed since pain onset in patients with low back pain PAIN PRACTICE
2023-07 Relationship between Time Elapsed Since Pain Onset and Efficacy of Pain Relief in Patients Undergoing Lumbar Percutaneous Epidural Adhesiolysis Yonsei Medical Journal
2023-06 Evaluation of Paraspinal Muscle Degeneration on Pain Relief after Percutaneous Epidural Adhesiolysis in Patients with Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Disease Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)
2023-06 Anatomical study of the adductor canal: three-dimensional micro-computed tomography, histological, and immunofluorescence findings relevant to neural blockade Korean Journal of Anesthesiology
2023-02 Subgrouping patients with zoster-associated pain according to sensory symptom profiles: A cluster analysis Frontiers in Neurology
2023-01 Retrodural space of Okada in the posterior ligamentous complex region: clinical and anatomical findings relevant to lumbar interlaminar epidural injection REGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE
2022-10 Influence of Handgrip Strength and Psoas Muscle Index on Analgesic Efficacy of Epidural Steroid Injection in Patients With Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Disease Pain Physician
2022-10 Evaluation of Sagittal Spinopelvic Alignment on Analgesic Efficacy of Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection in Geriatric Patients MEDICINA-LITHUANIA
2022-09 Neuropathic-like Pain Symptoms and Their Association with Muscle Strength in Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Journal of Clinical Medicine
2022-09 Influence of cross-sectional area and fat infiltration of paraspinal muscles on analgesic efficacy of epidural steroid injection in elderly patients Pain Practice
2022-08 Anatomical classification and clinical application of thoracic paraspinal blocks Korean Journal of Anesthesiology
2022-07 Influence of Preoperative Handgrip Strength on Length of Stay after Lumbar Fusion Surgery Journal of Clinical Medicine
2022-06 Expression of ectopic heat shock protein 90 in male and female primary afferent nociceptors regulates inflammatory pain PAIN
2022-05 The pathway of injectate spread during thoracic intertransverse process (ITP) block: Micro-computed tomography findings and anatomical evaluations JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ANESTHESIA
2022-04 Striking a balance between uniformity and iconoclasm: a reply to Dr Nielsen et al REGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE
2021-08 Anatomy of the thoracic paravertebral space: 3D micro-CT findings and their clinical implications for nerve blockade REGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE
2020-11 Reasons for failure to perform interventional pain procedures in cancer patients: an analysis of pain clinic consultations JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH
2020-04 Current status of pain medicine training in anesthesiology and pain medicine residency programs in university hospitals of Korea: a survey of residents' opinions REGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE
2020-03 Impact of simulation-based anesthesiology training using an anesthetized porcine model for ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH
2020-02 Injectate spread in interfascial plane block: A microscopic finding REGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE
2019-10 Influence of injectate volume on paravertebral spread in erector spinae plane block: An endoscopic and anatomical evaluation PLOS ONE
2019-10 Interfascicular septum of the calcaneal tunnel and its relationship with the plantar nerves: A cadaveric study CLINICAL ANATOMY
2019-09 Use of Micro X-ray Computed Tomography with Phosphotungstic Acid Preparation to Visualize Human Fibromuscular Tissue JOVE-JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS
2019-04 The Influence of Local Anesthesia Depth on Procedural Pain During Fluoroscopically Guided Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Injections AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION
2019-04 Ultrasound-guided versus blind temporomandibular joint injections: a pilot cadaveric evaluation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY
2018-11 Influence of needle-insertion depth on epidural spread and clinical outcomes in caudal epidural injections: a randomized clinical trial Journal of Pain Research
2018-10 Comparison of injectate spread and nerve involvement between retrolaminar and erector spinae plane blocks in the thoracic region: a cadaveric study ANAESTHESIA
2018-09 Anatomical analysis of the distribution patterns of occipital cutaneous nerves and the clinical implications for pain management Journal of Pain Research
2018-09 Comparing the injectate spread and nerve involvement between different injectate volumes for ultrasound-guided greater occipital nerve block at the C2 level: a cadaveric evaluation Journal of Pain Research
2018-06 Predictors of analgesic efficacy of neurolytic celiac plexus block in patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer: the importance of timing SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER
2018-06 Cadaveric Evaluation of Different Approaches for Quadratus Lumborum Blocks PAIN RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT
2018-06 Predictors of the analgesic efficacy of pulsed radiofrequency treatment in patients with chronic lumbosacral radicular pain: a retrospective observational study Journal of Pain Research
2017-10 Determination of the appropriate oropharyngeal airway size in adults: Assessment using ventilation and an endoscopic view AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE
2017-05 Botulinum Toxin Treatment for Nocturnal Calf Cramps in Patients With Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Randomized Clinical Trial ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION
2017-05 Comparison of Dexmedetomidine and Fentanyl as an Adjuvant to Ropivacaine for Postoperative Epidural Analgesia in Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2017-04 Clinical insomnia and associated factors in failed back surgery syndrome: a retrospective cross-sectional study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES
2017-04 Comparison of Incidences of Intravascular Injection between Medial and Lateral Side Approaches during Traditional S1 Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection PAIN RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT
2017-02 The Effect of Skin Pressure on Needle Entry Point Accuracy During Fluoroscopically Guided Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Injections: A Randomized Clinical Trial AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION
2016-12 Determination of the appropriate sizes of oropharyngeal airways in adults: correlation with external facial measurements EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY
2016-10 Factors Associated with Increased Risk for Clinical Insomnia in Patients with Postherpetic Neuralgia: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study PAIN MEDICINE
2016-09 Factors Associated with Higher Reported Pain Levels in Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: A Cross-Sectional,Correlational Analysis PLOS ONE
2016-09 Factors associated with increased risk for pain catastrophizing in patients with chronic neck pain A retrospective cross-sectional study MEDICINE
2016-07 Clinical Effectiveness of Ultrasound-guided Costotransverse Joint Injection in Thoracic Back Pain Patients Korean Journal of Pain
2016-07 Comparison of the effects of remifentanil-based general anesthesia and popliteal nerve block on postoperative pain and hemodynamic stability in diabetic patients undergoing distal foot amputation: A retrospective observational study MEDICINE
2016-03 Effects of Dexmedetomidine on Changes in Heart Rate Variability and Hemodynamics During Tracheal Intubation AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THERAPEUTICS
2016-01 Effect of Pneumoperitoneum on Oxidative Stress and Inflammation via the Arginase Pathway in Rats YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2015-11 Factors Associated with Increased Risk for Clinical Insomnia in Patients with Chronic Neck Pain PAIN PHYSICIAN
2015-09 Effects of a 1:1 inspiratory to expiratory ratio on respiratory mechanics and oxygenation during one-lung ventilation in patients with low diffusion capacity of lung for carbon monoxide: a crossover study JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ANESTHESIA
2015-09 Risk Assessment of Mortality Following Intraoperative Cardiac Arrest Using POSSUM and P-POSSUM in Adults Undergoing Non-Cardiac Surgery YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2015-08 Effects of Alveolar recruitment and positive end-expiratory pressure on oxygenation during one-lung ventilation in the supine position YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2015-07 Influence of Centrally Mediated Symptoms on Postoperative Pain in Osteoarthritis Patients Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Prospective Observational Evaluation PAIN PRACTICE
2015-04 Risk factors associated with clinical insomnia in chronic low back pain: a retrospective analysis in a university hospital in Korea Korean Journal of Pain
2015-01 Clinical effectiveness of the obturator externus muscle injection in chronic pelvic pain patients PAIN PRACTICE
2014-03 Positioning of double-lumen tubes based on the minimum peak inspiratory pressure difference between the right and left lungs in short patients: A prospective observational study EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY
2014-02 Heart rate variability dynamics during controlled hypotension with nicardipine, remifentanil and dexmedetomidine ACTA ANAESTHESIOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA
2014-01 An assessment of oropharyngeal airway position using a fibreoptic bronchoscope ANAESTHESIA
2013-11 Effects of single-dose dexmedetomidine on the quality of recovery after modified radical mastectomy: a randomised contraolled trial MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA
2013-10 Postoperative patient controlled analgesia in elderly Koreans: Epidural versus intravenous administration Korean Journal of Anesthesiology
2013-09 Risk assessment of postoperative nausea and vomiting in the intravenous patient-controlled analgesia environment: Predictive values of the Apfel's simplified risk score for identification of high-risk patients YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2013-07 Comparison of the effects of normal saline versus plasmalyte on acid-base balance during living donor kidney transplantation using the Stewart and base excess methods TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS
2013-05 High-dose Daily Opioid Administration and Poor Functional Status Intensify Local Anesthetic Injection Pain in Cancer Patients PAIN PHYSICIAN
2013-01 Patient-controlled Epidural Analgesia with Ropivacaine and Fentanyl: Experience with 2,276 Surgical Patients The Korean Journal of Pain
2012-11 Effects of a 1:1 inspiratory to expiratory ratio on respiratory mechanics and oxygenation during one-lung ventilation in the lateral decubitus position ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE
2012-07 Retrograde Intubation Using a Frova Intubating Introducer in a Patient with a Tracheostomy ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA