논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-06 Counseling Chatbot Design: The Effect of Anthropomorphic Chatbot Characteristics on User Self-Disclosure and Companionship International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
2024-05 Exploring the Extent of Usability for Augmented Profile Interfaces in Enhancing Conversation Experiences Interacting with Computers
2024-04 Investigating the Possibility of Using an AR Mask to Support Online Psychological Counseling Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
2024-03 A Multi-sensory Kiosk Interface to Familiarize Users with New Foods Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies
2023-12 제품 UX 디자인 결정을 위한 VR 기술에 대한 탐구 디자인융복합연구(구.인포디자인이슈)
2023-12 Older adults’ user experience of virtual tourism: exploring presence and experiential value with respect to age difference Virtual Reality
2023-06 METHODS AND EVALUATION IN THE HISTORICAL MAPPING OF CITIES International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives
2023-04 Interactive Experiential Model: Insights from Shadowing Students’ Exhibitory Footprints Journal of Museum Education
2023-03 자기 효능감과 위험 지각이 인공지능 추천 시스템의 사용자 경험에 미치는 영향 한국HCI학회 논문지
2023-03 How Does constructive feedback in an educational game sound to children? International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction
2022-06 기내 안전 브리핑의 흥미도 및 참여도 증진을 위한 게임성 퀴즈 형식의 디자인 개선안 제안 Journal of Integrated Design Research
2022-06 Relational Agents for the Homeless with Tuberculosis Experience: Providing Social Support Through Human–agent Relationships Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems
2022-02 B.ULB: An Integrated Beauty Recycling Service 한국디자인포럼
2021-08 What Happens to My Instagram Account After I Die? Re-imagining Social Media as a Commemorative Space for Remembrance and Recovery Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2020-11 User's Needs for Voice Agents in a Smart Home Context Archives of Design Research(디자인학연구)
2020-11 Deriving Design Guidelines to Address Complexity Issues in eCommerce Apps for the Elderly Archives of Design Research(디자인학연구)
2020-11 Designing technology entrepreneurship education using computational thinking Education and Information Technologies
2020-10 Simple and Steady Interactions Win the Healthy Mentality: Designing a Chatbot Service for the Elderly Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
2020-09 식품 알레르기 아동의 보호자를 위한 식품 정보 검색 서비스 디자인 연구 Journal of Digital Interaction Design
2020-06 “To All the Money I’ve Spent Before” : Why People Share their Bookkeeping Records with Strangers 한국HCI학회 논문지
2020-05 How to Enhance Social Relationships of Older Adults: Design and Development of a Mobile Application for Active Seniors Archives of Design Research(디자인학연구)
2020-02 음성 인터페이스에서의 음악 서비스 사용행태 및 인터랙션에 관한 탐색적연구 : 유튜브 영상 분석을 기반으로 Archives of Design Research(디자인학연구)
2020-01 “Fine-dusty”: Gamification of particulate matter risk communication Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Proceedings
2019-01 Influence of Gift-Giving in Social Network Games on Social Capital: Relationship Types, Gift-Giving Types, and the Big Five Factors of Personality INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION
2017-07 Users’ Affective Response to Furniture Design Based on Public Openness Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2016-12 가구산업의 사용자 중심 제품 디자인 프로세스 모델 연구 - 중소 가구기업 중심으로 - 디자인융복합연구(구.인포디자인이슈)
2016-12 아르바이트 온라인 구직구인 문화에 대한 사례 연구: 알바천국의 역할과 목표로 하는 사용자 경험을 중심으로 디자인융복합연구(구.인포디자인이슈)
2016-11 데이터시각화와 시각적분석의 사용자 경험적 접근 정보과학회지
2016-08 조작 방식에 따른 음성과 소리 피드백의 할당 방법 - 가전제품과의 상호작용을 중심으로 - 한국HCI학회 논문지
2016-04 SWEEPA: Designing An Indoor Waste Monitoring System For Increased Work Efficiency 디자인융복합연구(구.인포디자인이슈)
2016-01 How do People Make Sense of Unfamiliar Visualizations?: A Grounded Model of Novice's Information Visualization Sensemaking IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS
2014-04 Characterizing the intelligence analysis process through a longitudinal field study: Implications for visual analytics INFORMATION VISUALIZATION
2013-07 Visual analytics support for intelligence analysis COMPUTER
2012-12 Examining the use of a visual analytics system for sensemaking tasks: Case studies with domain experts IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS
2011-05 How can visual analytics assist investigative analysis? Design implications from an evaluation IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS