논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-08 Neuroticism/negative emotionality is associated with increased reactivity to uncertain threat in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, not the amygdala Journal of Neuroscience
2024-02 Investigation of factors regarding the effects of COVID-19 pandemic on college students’ depression by quantum annealer Scientific Reports
2024-00 Adolescent social anxiety is associated with diminished discrimination of anticipated threat and safety in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis Journal of psychopathology and clinical science
2023-12 The interactive effects of different facets of threat uncertainty and cognitive load in shaping fear and anxiety responses Psychophysiology
2023-06 Identification and comparison of pandemic-to-symptom networks of South Korea and the United States Frontiers in Psychiatry
2023-00 Neuroticism Is Prospectively Associated With 30-Month Changes in Broadband Internalizing Symptoms, but Not Narrowband Positive Affect or Anxious Arousal, in Emerging Adulthood Clinical Psychological Science
2022-06 Anxiety-Related Frontocortical Activity Is Associated With Dampened Stressor Reactivity in the Real World PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE
2022-04 A bifactor approach to modeling the structure of repetitive thinking: Replication and extension PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES
2022-01 Understanding the Consequences of Moment-by-Moment Fluctuations in Mood and Social Experience for Paranoid Ideation in Psychotic Disorders Schizophrenia Bulletin Open
2021-02 Perceived Control in the Lab and in Daily Life Impact Emotion-Induced Temporal Distortions Timing and Time Perception
2020-10 Anxiety and the Neurobiology of Temporally Uncertain Threat Anticipation JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE