논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-04 Involvement of the anterior insula and frontal operculum during wh-question comprehension of wh-in-situ Korean language PLoS ONE
2023-09 Human–machine cooperation meta-model for clinical diagnosis by adaptation to human expert’s diagnostic characteristics Scientific Reports
2023-07 Neuropharmacological computational analysis of longitudinal electroencephalograms in clozapine-treated patients with schizophrenia using hierarchical dynamic causal modeling: Neuropharmacological computational analysis of EEG NeuroImage
2022-10 Geometric learning of functional brain network on the correlation manifold Scientific Reports
2022-08 The increased analgesic efficacy of cold therapy after an unsuccessful analgesic experience is associated with inferior parietal lobule activation SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022-07 A populational connection distribution map for the whole brain white matter reveals ordered cortical wiring in the space of white matter NEUROIMAGE
2022-06 Analyzing differences between parent- and self-report measures with a latent space approach PLOS ONE
2021-12 Differential structure-function network coupling in the inattentive and combined types of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder PLOS ONE
2021-12 Differential Biases and Variabilities of Deep Learning–Based Artificial Intelligence and Human Experts in Clinical Diagnosis: Retrospective Cohort and Survey Study JMIR medical informatics
2021-12 Empirical Bayes estimation of pairwise maximum entropy model for nonlinear brain state dynamics NEUROIMAGE
2021-10 State-Dependent Effective Connectivity in Resting-State fMRI FRONTIERS IN NEURAL CIRCUITS
2021-10 Inter-species cortical registration between macaques and humans using a functional network property under a spherical demons framework PLOS ONE
2021-09 Bayesian adaptive model estimation to solve the speed accuracy tradeoff problem in psychophysical experiments SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2021-08 Bayesian estimation of maximum entropy model for individualized energy landscape analysis of brain state dynamics HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING
2021-04 A computational framework for optimal control of a self-adjustive neural system with activity-dependent and homeostatic plasticity NEUROIMAGE
2021-04 A Computational Framework for Controlling the Self-Restorative Brain Based on the Free Energy and Degeneracy Principles FRONTIERS IN COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE
2021-01 Re-visiting Riemannian geometry of symmetric positive definite matrices for the analysis of functional connectivity NEUROIMAGE
2020-06 Dynamic causal modeling of hippocampal activity measured via mesoscopic voltage-sensitive dye imaging NEUROIMAGE
2020-04 Neural correlates of anxiety under interrogation in guilt or innocence contexts PLOS ONE
2020-03 Validation of a mobile game-based assessment of cognitive control among children and adolescents PLOS ONE
2019-11 Dynamic causal modeling for calcium imaging: Exploration of differential effective connectivity for sensory processing in a barrel cortical column NEUROIMAGE
2019-09 Graph-theoretical analysis for energy landscape reveals the organization of state transitions in the resting-state human cerebral cortex PLOS ONE
2019-07 Automated diagnosis of ear disease using ensemble deep learning with a big otoendoscopy image database EBioMedicine
2019-01 Neurofeedback learning for mental practice rather than repetitive practice improves neural pattern consistency and functional network efficiency in the subsequent mental motor execution NEUROIMAGE
2018-12 수면 뇌파-기능자기공명영상 동기화 측정과 신호처리 기법을 통한 수면 단계별 뇌연결망 연구 Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology(수면정신생리)
2018-12 Interregional metabolic connectivity of 2-deoxy-2[18 F]fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomography in vagus nerve stimulation for pediatric patients with epilepsy: A retrospective cross-sectional study. EPILEPSIA
2018-10 Dynamic effective connectivity in resting state fMRI NEUROIMAGE
2018-08 Involvement of amygdala-prefrontal dysfunction in the influence of negative emotion on the resolution of cognitive conflict in patients with schizophrenia BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR
2018-07 Geometric Convolutional Neural Network for Analyzing Surface-Based Neuroimaging Data FRONTIERS IN NEUROINFORMATICS
2018-06 Aberrant cerebro-cerebellar functional connectivity and minimal self-disturbance in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis and with first-episode schizophrenia SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH
2018-04 Effective connectivity during working memory and resting states: A DCM study NEUROIMAGE
2017-11 Comparative evaluation of the white matter fiber integrity in patients with prelingual and postlingual deafness NEUROREPORT
2017-10 Changes in brain metabolic connectivity underlie autistic-like social deficits in a rat model of autism spectrum disorder SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2017-10 Analysis of structure-function network decoupling in the brain systems of spastic diplegic cerebral palsy HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING
2017-08 Multivariate Bayesian decoding of single-trial event-related fMRI responses for memory retrieval of voluntary actions PLOS ONE
2017-08 Structural Brain Connectivity Constrains within-a-Day Variability of Direct Functional Connectivity FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE
2017-07 Hierarchical dynamic causal modeling of resting-state fMRI reveals longitudinal changes in effective connectivity in the motor system after thalamotomy for essential tremor FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY
2017-07 Contribution of fronto-striatal regions to emotional valence and repetition under cognitive conflict BRAIN RESEARCH
2017-04 Energy landscape analysis of the subcortical brain network unravels system properties beneath resting state dynamics NEUROIMAGE
2017-01 Aberrant neural networks for the recognition memory of socially relevant information in patients with schizophrenia. BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR
2017-01 Individuality manifests in the dynamic reconfiguration of large-scale brain networks during movie viewing SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2016-12 Connectivity-based change point detection for large-size functional networks NEUROIMAGE
2016-10 Immediate and Longitudinal Alterations of Functional Networks after Thalamotomy in Essential Tremor FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY
2016-05 Neural responses to affective and cognitive theory of mind in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS
2016-02 Happier People Show Greater Neural Connectivity during Negative Self-Referential Processing PLOS ONE
2015-10 The neural basis of a deficit in abstract thinking in patients with schizophrenia PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH
2015-05 A Network Analysis of 15O-H2O PET Reveals Deep Brain Stimulation Effects on Brain Network of Parkinson’s Disease YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2015-04 소통 지능의 신경생물학적 기전에 관한 뇌영상 기반 뇌 용적 연구 대한조현병학회
2015-03 Multivariate detrending of fMRI signal drifts for real-time multiclass pattern classification NEUROIMAGE
2015-02 Altered cingulo-striatal function underlies reward drive deficits in schizophrenia SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH
2014-12 Histogram Analysis of Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MRI for Quantitative Hepatic Fibrosis Measurement PLOS ONE
2014-10 Positive symptoms and water diffusivity of the prefrontal and temporal cortices in schizophrenia patients: A pilot study PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH-NEUROIMAGING
2014-05 Functional network organizations of two contrasting temperament groups in dimensions of novelty seeking and harm avoidance BRAIN RESEARCH
2014-05 Reduced Binding Potential of GABA-A/Benzodiazepine Receptors in Individuals at Ultra-high Risk for Psychosis:An [18F]-Fluroflumazenil Positron Emission Tomography Study SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN
2014-03 Abnormal Neural Processing during Emotional Salience Attribution of Affective Asymmetry in Patients with Schizophrenia PLOS ONE
2014-01 Involvement of the mirror neuron system in blunted affect in schizophrenia SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH
2014-01 Graph Independent Component Analysis Reveals Repertoires of Intrinsic Network Components in the Human Brain PLOS ONE
2013-11 Structural and Functional Brain Networks: From Connections to Cognition SCIENCE
2013-11 Everyday conversation requires cognitive inference: Neural bases of comprehending implicated meanings in conversations NeuroImage
2013-09 Evaluation of Node-Inhomogeneity Effects on the Functional Brain Network Properties Using an Anatomy-Constrained Hierarchical Brain Parcellation PLOS ONE
2013-08 Increased GABA-A Receptor Binding and Reduced Connectivity at the Motor Cortex in Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy: A Multimodal Investigation Using 18F-Fluoroflumazenil PET, Immunohistochemistry, and MR Imaging JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE
2013-06 Combined rTMS to the auditory cortex and prefrontal cortex for tinnitus control in patients with depression: a pilot study ACTA OTO-LARYNGOLOGICA
2013-06 Functional connectivity-based identification of subdivisions of the basal ganglia and thalamus using multilevel independent component analysis of resting state fMRI HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING
2013-04 Perceived patient-parent relationships and neural representation of parents in schizophrenia EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE
2013-03 Is the GABA System Related to the Social Competence Improvement Effect of Aripiprazole? An 18F-FluoroflumazenilPET Study PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2013-01 Correlations of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Morphologic, Angiogenic, and Molecular Prognostic Factors in Rectal Cancer YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2012-12 Regional cerebral blood flow changes and performance deficit during a sustained attention task in schizophrenia: 15O-water positron emission tomography PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES
2012-09 Hippocampus and nucleus accumbens activity during neutral word recognition related to trait physical anhedonia in patients with schizophrenia: An fMRI study PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH-NEUROIMAGING
2012-07 A randomized trial of mesenchymal stem cells in multiple system atrophy. ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY
2012-05 Common and differential brain responses in men and women to nonverbal emotional vocalizations by the same and opposite sex NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS
2012-01 Alpha amplitude and phase locking in obsessive-compulsive disorder during working memory INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY
2012-01 Are brain networks stable during a 24-hour period? NeuroImage
2011-12 Neural correlates in the processing of phoneme-level complexity in vowel production BRAIN AND LANGUAGE
2011-08 한국 아동 집단의 구조 뇌연결지도 대한자기공명의과학회지
2011-08 A method for anisotropic spatial smoothing of functional magnetic resonance images using distance transformation of a structural image PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY
2011-08 Distortion correction of high b-valued and high angular resolution diffusion images using iterative simulated images NEUROIMAGE
2011-06 Prestimulus top-down reflection of obsessive-compulsive disorder in EEG frontal theta and occipital alpha oscillations NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS
2011-05 Decoding Brain States Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Biomedical Engineering Letters
2011-05 Activation of the Occipital Cortex and Deactivation of the Default Mode Network During Working Memory in the Early Blind JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY
2011-04 Motor pathway injury in patients with periventricular leucomalacia and spastic diplegia BRAIN
2011-02 The pattern of cortical atrophy in patients with Parkinson's disease according to cognitive status MOVEMENT DISORDERS
2011-01 Consonant chords stimulate higher EEG gamma activity than dissonant chords NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS
2010-04 The frontal and temporal lobe in the identification of laryngeal contrasts Neuroreport
2010-03 교육에서의 긍정적 감성의 역할 감성과학(Korean Journal of the Science of Emotion & Sensibility)
2010-03 A comparative analysis of cognitive profiles and white-matter alterations using voxel-based diffusion tensor imaging between patients with Parkinson's disease dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies Journal Of Neurology Neurosurgery And Psychiatry