논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-09 Improved mean field estimates from the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) Level-3 aerosol optical depth (L3 AOD) product: using spatiotemporal variability Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
2024-01 A Bayesian adaptive biomarker stratified phase II randomized clinical trial design for radiotherapies with competing risk survival outcomes Statistical Methods in Medical Research
2023-12 How Social Networks Influence Human Behavior: An Integrated Latent Space Approach for Differential Social Influence Psychometrika
2023-01 A latent space accumulator model for response time: Applications to cognitive assessment data STAT
2023-01 Quantile Regression with Multiple Proxy Variables STAT
2022-11 Multilevel network item response modelling for discovering differences between innovation and regular school systems in Korea Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied Statistics
2022-06 Analyzing differences between parent- and self-report measures with a latent space approach PLOS ONE
2022-06 Differentially Private Synthesis and Sharing of Network Data Via Bayesian Exponential Random Graph Models Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
2022-05 Bayesian Shrinkage for Functional Network Models, With Applications to Longitudinal Item Response Data JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND GRAPHICAL STATISTICS
2022-01 Application of joint latent space item response model to clustering stressful life events and Beck Depression Inventory II: results from Korean epidemiological survey data Epidemiology and health
2022-01 Bayesian model selection for high-dimensional Ising models, with applications to educational data COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS
2021-09 A Bayesian adaptive phase I/II clinical trial design with late-onset competing risk outcomes BIOMETRICS
2021-06 Mapping Unobserved Item-Respondent Interactions: A Latent Space Item Response Model with Interaction Map PSYCHOMETRIKA
2021-01 Network Mediation Analysis Using Model-Based Eigenvalue Decomposition STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING-A MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL
2020-11 Stochastic approximation Hamiltonian Monte Carlo JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTATION AND SIMULATION
2020-08 hubViz: A novel tool for hub-centric visualization CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS