논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-11 Quantum-centric supercomputing for materials science: A perspective on challenges and future directions Future Generation Computer Systems
2024-08 Probing the weak limit of magnetocrystalline anisotropy through a spin-flop transition in the van der Waals antiferromagnet CrPS<sub>4</sub> NPG Asia Materials
2023-03 Direct correlation between spin states and magnetic torques in a room-temperature van der Waals antiferromagnet NPG Asia Materials
2023-02 Spin-flip-driven anomalous Hall effect and anisotropic magnetoresistance in a layered Ising antiferromagnet Scientific reports
2023-01 Evolution of anisotropic magnetic properties through helix-to-fan transition in helical antiferromagnetic EuCo2As2 Communications Physics
2022-12 Sign-tunable anisotropic magnetoresistance and electrically detectable dual magnetic phases in a helical antiferromagnet NPG Asia Materials
2022-07 Spin-flip-driven reversal of the angle-dependent magnetic torque in layered antiferromagnetic Ca0.9Sr0.1Co2As2 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2020-01 Photoinduced topological phase transition and optical conductivity of black phosphorene PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2019-03 Graphene-based Plasmonic Switch using Resonant Coupling to the Local Plasmon Resonance PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED
2019-02 Tug-of-war in motor proteins and the emergence of Lévy walk PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS
2019-01 Switchable voltage offset in a Heusler alloy-based magnetic tunnel junction JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS
2018-10 Hybrid two-qubit gate using a circuit QED system with a triple-leg stripline resonator PHYSICAL REVIEW A
2015-02 Intrinsic half-metallicity of the Stone-Wales edge reconstructed graphene nanoribbons PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS
2013-10 Photon-number splitting of squeezed light by a single qubit in circuit QED PHYSICAL REVIEW A
2013-08 Role of joule heating effect and bulk-surface phases in voltage-driven metal-insulator transition in VO2 crystal APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
2012-09 Metal insulator transition characteristics of macro-size single domain VO2 crystals PHASE TRANSITIONS
2012-06 Readout of superconducting flux qubit state with a Cooper pair box JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER
2011-07 Quantum spin Hall effect in graphene nanoribbons: Effect of edge geometry PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2011-06 Strong Coupling of a Cavity QED Architecture for a Current-biased Flux Qubit JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
2009-10 Spin stiffness of graphene and zigzag graphene nanoribbons Physical Review B
2008-08 Edge states of zigzag bilayer graphite nanoribbons JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER
2008-07 Change in the interfacial reaction of Hf-silicate film as a function of thickness and stoichiometry Journal of Chemical Physics
2007-03 Revisiting the SINIS junction via a scattering matrix analysis JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
2005-10 Theory of microwave parametric down-conversion and squeezing using circuit QED PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
2005-03 Macroscopic quantum tunneling of phase-locked fluxons in coupled long Josephson junctions PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2005-02 Anomalous length dependence of the resistance in finite josephson junction arrays JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
2005-02 Quantum phase transitions in dissipative Josephson junction arrays INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B
2004-12 Bethe ansatz study of two-dimensional soliton lattice melting SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS
2004-01 Non-commutative field theory approach to two-dimensional vortex liquid system JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL
2003-12 Ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dot arrays embedded in semiconductors EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B
2002-12 Reentrant melting of soliton lattice phase in a bilayer quantum Hall system PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2001-08 Tunneling magnetoresistance in diluted magnetic semiconductor tunnel junctions PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2001-08 Noncommutative field theory description of quantum Hall Skyrmions PHYSICAL REVIEW D
2000-02 Skyrmion Dynamics and NMR Line Shapes in QHE Ferromagnets PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2000-01 Thermodynamic Phase Diagram of the Quantum Hall Skyrmion System PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
1999-09 Comment on Peak Effect and the Transition from Elastic to Plastic PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
1999-07 Skyrmions and Merons in Quantum Hall Flatland JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
1998-09 An Accurate Effective Action for Quantum Hall Skyrmions PHYSICAL REVIEW B
1998-05 Anisotropic Transport of Quantum Hall Meron-Pair Excitations PHYSICAL REVIEW B
1997-09 Topological Excitations in Double-Layer Quantum Hall systems PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
1996-11 Dynamical Phases of Driven Vortex systems PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
1996-09 Spontaneous Interlayer Coherence in Double-Layer Quantum Hall PHYSICAL REVIEW B
1996-07 The Effect of Inter-Edge Coulomb Interactions on the Transport Between PHYSICAL REVIEW B
1996-04 The Critical Properties of Superfluid He4in Aeroge AKPA Newsletter
1995-07 Phase Diagram for Splay Glass Superconductivity PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
1995-02 Critical Behaviour of Superfluid He4 in Aerogel PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
1994-11 Quantum Ferromagnetism and Phase Transitions in Double-Layer PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
1993-11 Resonant Tunneling Between Quantum Hall Edge States PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS