논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-07 건설업 ESG 정량 지표 추출 및 사용 추세 분석 Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea
2024-07 Measuring Habituation to Auditory Warnings Using Behavioral and Physiological Data Journal of Construction Engineering and Management - ASCE
2024-03 Identifying Key Financial Variables Predicting the Financial Performance of Construction Companies Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
2023-09 Job Training and Safety Education for Modular Construction using Virtual Reality 한국건설관리학회 논문집
2023-08 교육시설 사례를 통한 모듈러 건설의 사회적 수용성 조사 Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea
2023-07 공사규모 및 공종별 위험도에 따른 산업안전보건관리비 차등 분배 방안에 관한 연구 한국건설관리학회 논문집
2023-06 Architects’ Perception and Required Competencies for the Implementation of Design for Safety (DfS) Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea
2023-05 Long-term Trends in Construction Engineering and Management Research in Korea KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
2023-05 Differences in Workers' Safety Behavior by Project Size and Risk Level of Work in South Korea Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
2022-09 Curtain Wall Construction: Issues and Different Perspectives among Project Stakeholders JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING
2022-09 Temporal analysis of the frequency of accidents associated with construction equipment SAFETY SCIENCE
2022-08 Calculating the cost impact in loss of productivity claims AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION
2022-05 4차산업혁명 건설기술에 대한 학생, 교수, 실무종사자 인식차이 조사 한국건설관리학회 논문집
2021-11 용역형 CM사가 책임형 CM 프로젝트를 수행하기 위해 필요한 역량 한국건설관리학회 논문집
2021-11 Relationship between Consistency and Performance in the Claim Management Process for Construction Projects JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING
2021-09 데이터마이닝 기법을 활용한 건설 중대 재해요인 간 연관성 분석 한국건설관리학회 논문집
2021-04 Relationship between rework of engineering drawing tasks and stress level measured from physiological signals AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION
2021-02 Effectiveness of VR crane training with head-mounted display: Double mediation of presence and perceived usefulness AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION
2020-11 Performance Indicators for the Claim Management of General Contractors JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING
2020-09 Quantifying the Effectiveness of IoT Technologies for Accident Prevention JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING
2020-08 Inter- and intra-organizational safety management practice differences in the construction industry SAFETY SCIENCE
2020-05 Evaluating Contractors' Production Performance in Highway Projects Using Historical Daily Work Report Data JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING
2020-04 Embodied and Operational CO2 Emissions of the Elementary School Buildings in Different Climate Zones KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING
2019-11 Enhancing Subcontractors' Participation in BIM-Based Design Coordination under a DBB Contract JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING
2018-11 Use of Fall Protection in the US Construction Industry JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING
2018-05 Construction Management Functions for Developing Countries: Case of Cambodia JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING
2017-08 Trends of Fall Accidents in the U.S. Construction Industry JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT