논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2025-01 An analytic formulation of convolutional neural network learning for pattern recognition Information Sciences
2024-02 Extraction of intersecting palm-vein and palmprint features for cancellable identity verification CAAI TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY
2023-11 Deterministic bridge regression for compressive classification Information Sciences
2023-10 Deep Learning Approach for the Localization and Analysis of Surface Plasmon Scattering Sensors
2023-10 Face photo-sketch recognition based on multi-directional line features projection Neural Computing and Applications
2023-08 Human Activity Recognition via Score Level Fusion of Wi-Fi CSI Signals Sensors
2022-11 ACIL: Analytic Class-Incremental Learning with Absolute Memorization and Privacy Protection Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
2022-05 Blockwise Recursive Moore–Penrose Inverse for Network Learning IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS
2022-03 Delayered IC image analysis with template-based Tanimoto Convolution and Morphological Decision IET CIRCUITS DEVICES & SYSTEMS
2022-01 An analytic layer-wise deep learning framework with applications to robotics AUTOMATICA
2021-12 Correlation Projection for Analytic Learning of a Classification Network NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS
2021-10 Super-resolved Raman microscopy using random structured light illumination: Concept and feasibility JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2021-09 Machine learning-based leaky momentum prediction of plasmonic random nanosubstrate OPTICS EXPRESS
2021-06 Palm-Vein Verification Using Images From the Visible Spectrum IEEE Access
2021-05 Training multilayer neural networks analytically using kernel projection Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
2021-04 Wi-Fi Based User Identification Using In-Air Handwritten Signature IEEE Access
2020-12 Surface Plasmon Localization-Based Super-resolved Raman Microscopy NANO LETTERS
2020-04 Pedestrian Detection Using Pixel Difference Matrix Projection IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS
2020-04 Online Heterogeneous Face Recognition Based on Total-Error-Rate Minimization IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS
2020-01 Extraction and Cross-Matching of Palm-Vein and Palmprint From the RGB and the NIR Spectrums for Identity Verification IEEE Access
2020-01 Training a multilayer network with low-memory kernel-and-range projection JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS
2019-06 Augmented EMD for complex-valued univariate signals IET SIGNAL PROCESSING
2019-04 Nasal similarity measure of 3D faces based on curve shape space PATTERN RECOGNITION
2019-03 A Hierarchical Multiclassifier System for Automated Analysis of Delayered IC Images IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS
2019-02 A Line Feature Extraction Method for Finger-Knuckle-Print Verification COGNITIVE COMPUTATION
2018-12 Hybrid K-Means Clustering and Support Vector Machine Method for via and Metal Line Detections in Delayered IC Images IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS
2018-12 Kernel and Range Approach to Analytic Network Learning The International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing
2018-08 Orthogonal filter banks with region Log-TiedRank covariance matrices forface recognition JOURNAL OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION AND IMAGE REPRESENTATION
2018-06 An Analytic Gabor Feedforward Network for Single-Sample and Pose-Invariant Face Recognition IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING
2018-05 Biomedical image classification based on a cascade of an SVM with a reject option and subspace analysis COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE
2018-03 Exploiting the categorical reliability difference for binary classification JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS
2018-03 Optimizing between data transformation and parametric weighting for stable binary classification JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS
2018-02 Micro-Doppler mini-UAV Classification Using Empirical Mode Decomposition Features IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS
2018-01 Stretchy binary classification NEURAL NETWORKS
2017-11 Stacking PCANet +: An Overly Simplified ConvNets Baseline for Face Recognition IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS
2017-10 A Gabor-based network for heterogeneous face recognition NEUROCOMPUTING
2017-01 An adaptive local binary pattern for 3D hand tracking PATTERN RECOGNITION
2017-01 Eye detection in a facial image under pose variation based on multi-scale iris shape feature IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING
2017-01 Density-Dependent Quantized Least Squares Support Vector Machine for Large Data Sets IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS
2016-07 An empirical study on iris recognition in a mobile phone EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
2015-06 A Center Sliding Bayesian Binary Classifier Adopting Orthogonal Polynomials PATTERN RECOGNITION
2015-05 Sequential Extreme Learning Machine Incorporating Survival Error Potential NEUROCOMPUTING
2015-01 Object tracking based on an online learning network with total error rate minimization PATTERN RECOGNITION
2014-04 Face detection based on skin color likelihood PATTERN RECOGNITION
2014-03 Combining sclera and periocular features for multi-modal identity verification NEUROCOMPUTING
2014-03 Exploiting the relationships among several binary classifiers via data transformation PATTERN RECOGNITION
2013-12 Weighted Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine for Class Imbalance Learning NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS
2013-11 A System for Signature Verification Based on Horizontal and Vertical Components in Hand Gestures IEEE Intelligent Systems
2013-06 Dynamic Detection Rate-based Bit Allocation with Genuine Interval Concealment for Binary Biometric Representation IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS
2013-02 An online learning network for biometric scores fusion NEUROCOMPUTING
2012-09 Extraction and fusion of partial face features for cancelable identity verification PATTERN RECOGNITION
2012-08 Fast On-Road Vehicle Detection Using Reduced Multivariate Polynomial Classifier 한국통신학회논문지
2012-08 Service-oriented architecture based on biometric using random features and incremental neural networks SOFT COMPUTING
2012-08 Incremental face recognition for large-scale social network services PATTERN RECOGNITION
2012-06 An online AUC formulation for binary classification PATTERN RECOGNITION
2012-05 An efficient dynamic reliability-dependent bit allocation for biometric discretization PATTERN RECOGNITION
2011-10 Kernel Discriminant Embedding in face recognition JOURNAL OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION AND IMAGE REPRESENTATION
2011-10 An analysis on equal width quantization and linearly separable subcode encoding-based discretization and its performance resemblances EURASIP JOURNAL ON ADVANCES IN SIGNAL PROCESSING
2011-09 Combining local face image features for identity verification NEUROCOMPUTING
2011-08 An efficient incremental face annotation for large scale web services TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS
2011-05 Biometric security for mobile computing SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS
2011-05 Fusion of visual and infrared face verification systems SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS
2011-02 Realtime training on mobile devices for face recognition applications PATTERN RECOGNITION
2010-10 Illumination-invariant color space and its application to skin-color detection Optical Engineering
2010-08 SVM-based feature extraction for face recognition Pattern Recognition
2010-07 A performance driven methodology for cancelable face templates generation Pattern Recognition
2010-05 Adaptive Reduced Multivariate Polynomial Equalizers for Blu-ray Disc Channels IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
2009-10 Gait Recognition Using Multi-Bipolarized Contour Vector INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS
2009-05 Two-fold regularization for kernel fisher discriminant analysis in face recognition IEICE Electronics Express
2009-01 Cancellable biometrics and user-dependent multi-state discretization in BioHash Pattern Analysis And Applications
2008-11 Maximizing area under ROC curve for biometric scores fusion Pattern Recognition
2008-08 Stereo image rectification based on polar transformation Optical Engineering
2008-06 Deterministic neural classification Neural Computation
2008-04 Between classification-error approximation and weighted least-squares learning Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis And Machine Intelligence
2008-04 Fusion of visual and infra-red face scores by weighted power series Pattern Recognition Letters
2008-03 Biometric scores fusion based on total error rate minimization Pattern Recognition
2008-03 An error-counting network for pattern classification Neurocomputing
2008-03 Reduced multivariate polynomial-based neural network for automated traffic incident detection Neural Networks
2008-02 DEWS: A live visual surveillance system for early drowning detection at pool Ieee Transactions On Circuits And Systems For Video Technology
2008-01 Face recognition incorporating ancillary information Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
2007-08 Alignment-free cancelable fingerprint templates based on local minutiae information IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS PART B-CYBERNETICS
2006-10 Training a reciprocal-sigmoid classifier by feature scaling-space MACHINE LEARNING
2005-12 Recognition of complex human behaviors in pool environment using foreground silhouette LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
2005-11 Relaxation of hard classification targets for LSE minimization LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE