논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-09 Continent-Side Uplifted Mantle and Geological Imprints Along a Paleo Rift in the Western East Sea (Sea of Japan) Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
2024-07 Midcrustal moderate-size earthquake occurrence in paleovolcanic structures off Jeju Island, South Korea Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
2024-05 Middle to lower crustal earthquakes in the western East Sea (Sea of Japan) and their implications for neotectonic evolution Tectonophysics
2024-04 Potential Seismic Hazard in Seoul, South Korea: A Comprehensive Analysis of Geology, Seismic, and Geophysical Field Observations, Historical Earthquakes, and Strong Ground Motions Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
2024-04 Correct Off-Site Determination of Seismic Sensor Orientation from Combined Analyses of Earthquake and Microseism Records Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
2023-12 Inversion of acoustic thunder source spectral model from thunder-induced seismic waves in megacity GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
2023-07 Unravelling a midcrustal seismogenic fault structure from a seismic sequence and geophysical data: application to the 28 October 2022 M-L 4.1 Goesan earthquake in the central Korean Peninsula Geophysical Journal International
2023-03 Role of Backbone Fault System on Earthquake Spawning and Geohazards in the Seoul Metropolitan Area Earth and Space Science
2022-12 중력이상 수치해석을 통한 연천지역 군발지진 원인분석 자원환경지질
2022-10 Determination of Borehole Seismic Sensor Orientation Using Microseisms Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
2022-09 Crustal-Scale Fault Systems in the Korean Peninsula Unraveled by Reflection Seismic Data Earth and Space Science
2022-08 Laterally Varying Crustal and Quaternary Fault-Zone Structures in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, South Korea, from a Joint Inversion Analysis Based on Dense Seismic Arrays Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
2022-07 Fault intersections control short period intraplate start-stop seismicity in the Korean Peninsula TECTONOPHYSICS
2022-07 Roles of subway speed and configuration on subway-induced seismic noises in an urban region JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS
2022-02 Major influencing factors for the nucleation of the 15 November 2017 Mw 5.5 Pohang earthquake PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS
2022-01 A National VS30 Model for South Korea to Combine Nationwide Dense Borehole Measurements With Ambient Seismic Noise Analysis Earth and Space Science
2021-11 Ambient Noise Tomography of Upper Crustal Structures and Quaternary Faults in the Seoul Metropolitan Area and Its Geological Implications Earth and Space Science
2021-10 Seismic hazard assessment for the korean peninsula BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA
2021-08 Global Induced Stress Field From Large Earthquakes Since 1900 and Chained Earthquake Occurrence GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS
2021-07 Earthquake-Spawning Faults in the Seoul Metropolitan Area and Their Seismic Implications Earth and Space Science
2021-02 Elastogravity Waves and Dynamic Ground Motions in the Korean Peninsula Generated by the March 11, 2011 M<inf>W</inf>9.0 Tohoku-Oki Megathrust Earthquake JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH
2020-12 Six Major Historical Earthquakes in the Seoul Metropolitan Area during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA
2020-11 One-off deep crustal earthquake swarm in a stable intracontinental region of the southwestern Korean Peninsula PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS
2020-11 Typhoon-Induced Microseisms around the South China Sea SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2020-08 Spatiotemporal Seismicity Evolution and Seismic Hazard Potentials in the Western East Sea (Sea of Japan) PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS
2020-07 Correlation between Ambient Seismic Noises and Economic Growth SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2019-12 Seismic detection of strong ground motions by M <inf>W</inf> 5.6 North Korean nuclear explosion SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2018-12 Azimuthal Seismic Anisotropy in the Upper Crust of the Japanese Islands Induced by the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Megathrust Earthquake GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2018-09 Time-advanced occurrence of moderate-size earthquakes in a stable intraplate region after a megathrust earthquake and their seismic properties SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2018-09 Temporal change of upper-crustal V-P/V-S ratios with volcanic evolution in Redoubt Volcano PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS
2018-05 Tectonic stress orientations and magnitudes, and friction of faults, deduced from earthquake focal mechanism inversions over the Korean Peninsula GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
2017-11 Seismic Velocity Changes in the Backarc Continental Crust After the 2011 M-w 9.0 Tohoku-Oki Megathrust Earthquake GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2017-10 Crustal stress field perturbations in the continental margin around the Korean Peninsula and Japanese islands TECTONOPHYSICS
2017-07 Regional Seismic Intensity Anomalies in the Korean Peninsula and Its Implications for Seismic-Hazard Potentials PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS
2017-04 The 12 September 2016 M<inf>L</inf>5.8 midcrustal earthquake in the Korean Peninsula and its seismic implications GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2016-10 Dynamic seismic response of a stable intraplate region to a megathrust earthquake TECTONOPHYSICS
2016-05 Seismicity and fault geometry of the San Andreas fault around Parkfield, California and their implications TECTONOPHYSICS
2016-04 Seismotectonic Properties and Zonation of the Far-Eastern Eurasian Plate Around the Korean Peninsula PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS
2016-04 Joint determination of event epicenter and magnitude from seismic intensities BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA
2016-02 Prediction of ground motion and dynamic stress change in Baekdusan (Changbaishan) volcano caused by a North Korean nuclear explosion SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2015-08 Long-term evolution of intraplate seismicity in stress shadows after a megathrust PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS
2014-09 Dynamic lithospheric response to megathrust and precursory seismicity features of megathrust PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS
2014-07 Hypocentral parameter inversion for regions with poorly known velocity structures TECTONOPHYSICS
2014-07 Influence of continental margin on regional seismic wavefield TECTONOPHYSICS
2014-03 Temporal changes of medium properties during explosive volcanic eruption GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2013-10 Probabilistic Analysis of the Korean Historical Earthquake Records BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA
2013-04 VP/VS ratios in the upper crust of the southern Korean Peninsula and their correlations with seismic and geophysical properties JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES
2013-04 Seismic discrimination of the 2009 North Korean nuclear explosion based on regional source spectra JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY
2012-11 m (b)(Pn) Scale for the Korean Peninsula and Site-Dependent Pn Amplification PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS
2012-10 Seismological constraints on the collision belt between the North and South China blocks in the Yellow Sea TECTONOPHYSICS
2012-10 Seismic evidence for reverse activation of a paleo-rifting system in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) TECTONOPHYSICS
2012-04 Lg Body-Wave Magnitude Scaling for the Continental Margin around Korea and Japan PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS
2011-08 Seismic investigation of the 26 March 2010 sinking of the South Korean naval vessel Cheonanham BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA
2011-06 지하수 모니터링을 통한 지진 감시 가능성: 중규모(M4.9) 오대산 지진의 관측 지하수토양환경
2010-06 Regional and teleseismic analysis of underground nuclear explosion waveforms and constraints for shear wave excitation mechanisms JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH
2010-06 Evidence for Strong Ground Motion by Waves Refracted from the Conrad Discontinuity Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
2010-04 Lg Attenuation in a Region with Both Continental and Oceanic Environments Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
2009-08 Regional Source Scaling of the 9 October 2006 Underground Nuclear Explosion in North Korea Bulletin of The Seismological Society of America
2009-05 Effects of Evapotranspiration and Earth Tides on the Water-Level Fluctuation in a Forest Catchment in Gwangneung Asia-Pacific Journal Of Atmospheric Sciences
2009-02 Pn travel-time tomography of the paleo-continental-collision and rifting zone around Korea and Japan Bulletin of The Seismological Society of America
2008-03 Regional seismic observations of the 9 October 2006 underground nuclear explosion in North Korea and the influence of crustal structure on regional phases Journal Of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth
2008-02 광릉 수문연구부지 내 원두부 소유역에서 지하수면의 주기적 변동 특성 지하수토양환경
2008-02 Constituent energy of regional seismic coda Bulletin of The Seismological Society of America
2008-02 Imaging laterally varying regional heterogeneities from seismic coda using a source-array analysis Physics Of The Earth And Planetary Interiors
2006-05 Tomographic investigation of the wear along the San Jacinto fault, southern California PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS
2005-12 Phase composition of regional seismic waves from underground nuclear explosions JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH
2005-10 Scattering of elastic waves in geometrically anisotropic random media and its implication to sounding of heterogeneity in the Earth&apos;s deep interior GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
2005-02 Stochastic features of scattering PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS
2004-12 Scattering of elastic waves in media with a random distribution of fluid-filled cavities: theory and numerical modelling GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
2004-07 Effects of the density perturbation in scattering GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2004-07 Scattering attenuation ratios of P and S waves in elastic media GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
2003-08 Modelling of seismic waves in heterogeneous media using a wavelet-based method: application to fault and subduction zones GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
2003-04 Scattering attenuation of 2D elastic waves: Theory and numerical modeling using a wavelet-based method BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA
2002-12 On a wavelet-based method for the numerical simulation of wave propagation JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS
2002-09 A wavelet-based method for simulation of two-dimensional elastic wave propagation GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
2000-12 한반도 남부 지진의 지역 규모식 지질학회지