논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-06 Political determinants of government transparency: Evidence from open government data initiatives Politics and Policy
2023-12 The Experiences of Layoff Survivors: Navigating Organizational Justice in Times of Crisis Sustainability
2023-03 Is There a Right Way to Lay Off Employees in Times of Crisis?: The Role of Organizational Justice in the Case of Airbnb Sustainability (Switzerland)
2022-12 성과피드백이 성과개선에 미치는 영향: 기관장의 업무 경험의 조절효과를 중심으로 한국정책학회보
2022-10 Determinants of digital innovation in the public sector GOVERNMENT INFORMATION QUARTERLY
2021-12 Assessing the effects of contracting out services on cost in managing municipal solid waste in South Korea WASTE MANAGEMENT
2021-09 Representative bureaucracy and hierarchy: interactions among leadership, middle-level, and street-level bureaucracy PUBLIC MANAGEMENT REVIEW
2021-06 Linking political and bureaucratic representation: Does minority representation on city councils affect the outcomes of street-level service? PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
2021-03 지방자치단체의 성과개선 영향요인: 제한된 합리성과 자원의존이론을 중심으로 현대사회와 행정
2020-12 Performance Management Meets Red Tape: Bounded Rationality, Negativity Bias, and Resource Dependence PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW
2020-08 Bounded rationality, blame avoidance, and political accountability: how performance information influences management quality PUBLIC MANAGEMENT REVIEW
2019-12 Loyalty or Competence: Political Use of Performance Information and Negativity Bias PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW
2019-12 공공기관의 사회적 책임성 측정지표와 사회구성원 인식: 지방공기업을 중심으로 현대사회와 행정
2019-12 Political change and turnovers: How do political principals consider organizational, individual, and performance information? PUBLIC CHOICE
2019-09 Why Do Politicians Tweet? Extremists, Underdogs, and Opposing Parties as Political Tweeters Policy and internet
2019-07 Administrative reorganization as a signal: Bounded rationality, agency merger, and salience of policy issues GOVERNANCE-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLICY ADMINISTRATION AND INSTITUTIONS
2019-04 Big Data and government: Evidence of the role of Big Data for smart cities Big Data & Society
2019-01 Crowdfunding public projects: Collaborative governance for achieving citizen co-funding of public goods GOVERNMENT INFORMATION QUARTERLY
2019-01 A Behavioral Model of Public Organizations: Bounded Rationality, Performance Feedback, and Negativity Bias JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH AND THEORY
2018-10 Will the internet promote democracy? search engines, concentration of online news readership, and e-democracy Journal of Information Technology and Politics
2018-09 Citizen Participation and the Redistribution of Public Goods PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
2018-04 Adaptive governance, status quo bias, and political competition: Why the sharing economy is welcome in some cities but not in others GOVERNMENT INFORMATION QUARTERLY
2018-04 Adaptive governance and decentralization: Evidence from regulation of the sharing economy in multi-level governance GOVERNMENT INFORMATION QUARTERLY
2018-04 Public-private partnership meets corporate social responsibility-the case of H-JUMP school PUBLIC MONEY & MANAGEMENT
2018-03 Does Increasing Gender Representativeness and Diversity Improve Organizational Integrity? PUBLIC PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT
2017-10 Black in Blue: Racial Profiling and Representative Bureaucracy in Policing Revisited JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH AND THEORY
2017-04 Regulatory capture in agency performance evaluation: industry expertise versus revolving-door lobbying PUBLIC CHOICE
2017-03 Does Increasing Ethnic Representativeness Reduce Police Misconduct? PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW
2017-02 What are the areas of competence for central and local governments? Accountability mechanisms in multi-level governance JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH AND THEORY
2016-10 Political polarization on twitter: Implications for the use of social media in digital governments GOVERNMENT INFORMATION QUARTERLY
2016-09 When does a public-private partnership (PPP) lead to inefficient cost management? Evidence from South Korea's urban rail system PUBLIC MONEY & MANAGEMENT
2016-07 서울시 버스 준공영제 정책 사례: 정책의 효과성, 효율성, 공공성 분석을 중심으로 한국지방공기업학회보
2016-06 Government Press Releases and Citizen Perceptions of Government Performance: Evidence from Google Trends Data PUBLIC PERFORMANCE & MANAGEMENT REVIEW
2016-06 “Hard,” “Soft,” or “Tough Love” Management: What Promotes Successful Performance in a Cross-Organizational Collaboration? INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
2016-03 The Unheavenly Chorus: Political Voices of Organized Interests on Social Media Policy and internet
2016-01 Capture and the bureaucratic mafia: does the revolving door erode bureaucratic integrity? PUBLIC CHOICE
2016-01 The Impact of Political Institutions on U.S. State Bond Yields during Crises: Evidence from the 2008 Credit Market Seizure JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC POLICY REFORM
2016-01 Representative Bureaucracy, Organizational Integrity, and Citizen Coproduction: Does an Increase in Police Ethnic Representativeness Reduce Crime? JOURNAL OF POLICY ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT
2015-09 Making money by giving it for free: Radiohead’s pre-release strategy for In Rainbows INFORMATION ECONOMICS AND POLICY
2015-08 Citizen Participation in Budgeting: A Tradeoff Between Knowledge and Inclusiveness? PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW
2015-07 Fiscal Rules in Recessions: Evidence from the American States Public Finance Review
2015-01 This Could Be the Start of Something Big: Linking Early Managerial Choices with Subsequent Organizational Performance JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH AND THEORY
2014-12 Informal Institutional Friction and Punctuations: Evidence from Multicultural Policy in Korea PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
2014-12 서울시 지하철 9호선의 민간투자 정책 사례 분석 - 서비스 운영의 효율성 및 정부재정에 미친 효과를 중심으로 - 한국정책학회보
2013-10 Who benefits from Twitter? Social media and political competition in the U.S. House of Representatives GOVERNMENT INFORMATION QUARTERLY
2013-07 Are There Managerial Practices Associated with the Outcomes of an Interagency Service Delivery Collaboration? Evidence from British Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH AND THEORY
2012-10 Which candidates do the public discuss online in an election campaign?: The use of social media by 2012 presidential candidates and its impact on candidate salience GOVERNMENT INFORMATION QUARTERLY
2012-03 Online news on Twitter: Newspapers' social media adoption and their online readership INFORMATION ECONOMICS AND POLICY