논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-07 Exploring the relationship between YouTube video characteristics and a viewer's mental health traits among young adults FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY
2024-03 Examining the Relationship Between the Violence in a Webcomic Episode and Violence in readers' Comments with Computational Approaches JOURNAL OF BROADCASTING & ELECTRONIC MEDIA
2024-02 Perceiving as biased but nevertheless persuaded? Effects of fact–checking news delivered by partisan media Political Psychology
2024-01 브이로그에 등장하는 소비의 유형이 구매의도에 미치는 영향: 부러움과 인지된 신뢰성의 매개효과 및 구독자 수의 조절효과를 중심으로 한국광고홍보학보
2024-01 플레이어의 위치와 플레이어 간 거리 정보를 이용한 리그 오브 레전드 승패 예측: 딥러닝 알고리즘을 기반으로 한국콘텐츠학회 논문지
2023-11 Do Online Data about a TV Episode Predict the Performance of Its Online Video Clips?: With an Emphasis on the Responses of Users to News Articles about the Episode 미디어 경제와 문화
2023-09 Do media coverage of suicides and search frequency on suicides predict the number of tweets seeking others for a suicide pact? Frontiers in Psychiatry
2023-08 Online citizen petitions related to COVID-19 in South Korean cities: a big data analysis Annals of Regional Science
2023-07 Media Coverage of Senior and Celebrity Suicides and Its Effects on Copycat Suicides among Seniors Health Communication
2023-01 개인의 사회 심리적 특성과 인스타그램 게시 이미지 특성 간의 관계 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지
2022-12 Examining Knowledge Sharing Behavior on SNS from an Impression Management Perspective International Journal of Contents
2022-09 The Roles of Social Competence and Outcome Expectancy in Predicting Communication Activities on Social Networking Sites International Journal of Contents
2022-04 신문사의 정치 성향에 따른 코로나19 보도 내용 분석: 기계학습/딥러닝, 네트워크 분석, 토픽모델링 방법 기반 정보사회와 미디어 (Information Society & Media)
2022-04 How offline retailers adopt O2O: Neighboring star shops and their proximity effect TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY
2021-12 Engagement in Emotional News on Social Media: Intensity and Type of Emotions JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY
2021-02 Do effects of copycat suicides vary with the reasons for celebrity suicides reported by the media? SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL
2020-04 국내 및 해외 검색엔진의 검색결과와 자살률의 관계 – 네이버와 구글의 검색 빈도 비교 사회융합연구
2020-02 Relationship between media coverage of depression-related crimes and the number of people who visit a psychiatrist for depression PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH
2019-11 조현병 환자의 범죄에 대한 대중의 관심과 조현병 환자의 정신의료서비스 이용과의 상관관계 대한조현병학회지
2019-11 Antecedents of impression management motivations on social network sites and their link to social anxiety MEDIA PSYCHOLOGY
2019-11 How much are sellers willing to pay for the features offered by their e-commerce platform? TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY
2019-10 Exploring characteristics of online news comments and commenters with machine learning approaches TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS
2019-07 Document vectorization method using network information of words PLOS ONE
2019-07 The Effect of Media Coverage of Celebrities with Panic Disorder on the Health Behaviors of the Public HEALTH COMMUNICATION
2019-03 Media coverage of adolescent and celebrity suicides and imitation suicides among adolescents JOURNAL OF BROADCASTING & ELECTRONIC MEDIA
2019-02 Examining Factors that Influence the Success of Online Games 미디어 경제와 문화
2019-01 Media coverage of celebrity suicide caused by depression and increase in the number of people who seek depression treatment PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH
2018-09 Effects of relational characteristics of an answerer on perceived credibility of informational posts on social networking sites: the case of Facebook INFORMATION RESEARCH-AN INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC JOURNAL
2018-07 플랫폼에 따른 건강정보추구 행동의 영향요인과 결과: 사회경제적 요인, 디지털 미디어 리터러시, 사회적 지지, 생활만족을 중심으로 헬스커뮤니케이션연구 (Health Communication Research)
2018-06 Twitter as a place where people meet to make suicide pacts PUBLIC HEALTH
2018-04 Factors that influence an individual's intention to adopt a wearable healthcare device: The case of a wearable fitness tracker TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE
2016-12 위기의 순간인가 기회의 순간인가?:언론학 교육과정(curriculum) 개선의 성공을 위한 시론 사이버커뮤니케이션학보
2016-11 Introduction to Statistical Inference in Social Network Analysis: Exponential Random Graph Models 연구방법논총