논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-07 Understanding patient perspectives on digital therapeutics and its platform for insomnia: insights from focused group interviews BMC Health Services Research
2024-07 Association between economic activity and depressive symptoms among women with parenting children Journal of Korean Medical Science
2024-06 Association between watching eating shows and unhealthy food consumption in Korean adolescents Nutrition Journal
2024-04 Differences in end-of-life care patterns between types of hospice used for cancer patients: a retrospective cohort study BMC Palliative Care
2024-03 Depressive Symptoms and the Subsequent Risk of Parkinson's Disease: A Nationwide Cohort Study American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
2024-03 Association between area deprivation index and concerns to COVID-19: A multi-level analysis of individual and area factors SSM - Population Health
2024-02 Effects of disability-related limitations in daily living on unmet needs: a longitudinal-study1 BMC Public Health
2024-01 Socioeconomic Status and Dementia Risk Among Intensive Care Unit Survivors: Using National Health Insurance Cohort in Korea Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
2023-12 An Investigation of the Effect of Virtual Reality on Alleviating Anxiety in Patients With Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiation Therapy:A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics
2023-12 Digital Health Interventions to Enhance Tuberculosis Treatment Adherence: Scoping Review Jmir Mhealth and Uhealth
2023-11 국내 디지털치료기기 시장 활성화를 위한 정책 제언: 해외 주요국 제도 분석을 중심으로 HIRA Research
2023-11 Indonesia’s National Health Insurance Policy Reform and Enhanced Physical Abilities in People with Physical Disabilities: A Policy Analysis 국제개발협력
2023-11 Association between having a meal together with family and smoking: a cross-sectional nationwide survey BMC Public Health
2023-11 Association Between Low Blood Pressure and Subsequent Risk of Parkinson′s Disease in Older Adults Aged ≥75 Years GERONTOLOGY
2023-10 Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 on Gastric Cancer Diagnosis and Stage: A Single-Institute Study in South Korea Journal of Gastric Cancer
2023-09 Association of behavior pattern with overweight and obesity in South Korean adults-A multi correspondence analysis (KNHANES-2018-2020) PLOS Global Public Health
2023-08 Difference in Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic among Korean Adolescents JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
2023-07 Reimbursement Coverage Decision Making for Digital Health Technologies in South Korea: Does It Fit the Value Framework Used in Traditional Medical Technologies? Value in Health Regional Issues
2023-06 Associations of social interactions during the COVID-19 pandemic with cognitive function among the South Korean older adults BMC Geriatrics
2023-06 Association between smoking and obstructive sleep apnea based on the STOP-Bang index Scientific reports
2023-05 Prevalence of and Factors Associated with Self-Medication among Health Professionals at Cape Coast Teaching Hospital, Ghana ANNALS OF CASE REPORTS
2023-04 Impact of the Introduction of a Public Taxi Ride in Rural South Korea on Levels of Healthcare Utilization among Elderly Patients with Diabetes GERONTOLOGY
2023-04 Characteristics and Potential Challenges of Digital-Based Interventions for Children and Young People: Scoping Review Journal of medical Internet research
2023-03 Willingness to Use and Pay for Digital Health Care Services According to 4 Scenarios: Results from a National Survey JMIR mHealth and uHealth
2023-03 Frailty transition and depression among community-dwelling older adults: the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (2006–2020) BMC Geriatrics
2023-03 Assessment of Frailty Index at 66 Years of Age and Association with Age-Related Diseases, Disability, and Death over 10 Years in Korea JAMA Network Open
2023-01 Did the increase in sitting time due to COVID-19 lead to obesity in adolescents? BMC Pediatrics
2023-01 Did the COVID-19 Lockdown Reduce Smoking Rate in Adolescents? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2023-01 Association between Electronic Cigarettes Use and Asthma in the United States: Data from the National Health Interview Survey 2016-2019 YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2023-01 Association between smartphone overdependence and generalized anxiety disorder among Korean adolescents Journal of Affective Disorders
2023-01 Comprehensive geriatric assessment and multidisciplinary team interventions for hospitalized older adults: A scoping review ARCHIVES OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS
2022-12 Marital transition and cognitive function among older adults: the korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (2006–2020) BMC Geriatrics
2022-11 Machine learning based risk prediction for Parkinson's disease with nationwide health screening data SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022-10 Initial BMI and Weight Loss over Time Predict Mortality in Parkinson Disease JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION
2022-10 High prevalence of hypertension among smokers of conventional and e-cigarette: Using the nationally representative community dwelling survey Frontiers in Public Health
2022-10 Workplace Mistreatment and Health Conditions Prior and during the COVID-19 in South Korea: A Cross-Sectional Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2022-10 A scoping review on population-centered indicators for cancer care continuum Frontiers in Public Health
2022-09 Family economic hardship and adolescent mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH
2022-09 A Scoping Review on Accentuating the Pragmatism in the Implication of Mobile Health (mHealth) Technology for Tuberculosis Management in India JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE
2022-08 COMPrehensive geriatric AsseSSment and multidisciplinary team intervention for hospitalised older adults (COMPASS): a protocol of pragmatic trials within a cohort BMJ OPEN
2022-08 Clinical impact and a prognostic marker of early rituximab treatment after rituximab reimbursement in Korean pemphigus patients Frontiers in Immunology
2022-08 Association between sleep quality and depressive symptoms JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS
2022-07 LACE Index to Predict the High Risk of 30-Day Readmission in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction at a University Affiliated Hospital Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
2022-06 Effect of smartphone app-based health care intervention for health management of high-risk mothers: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial TRIALS
2022-06 Ability of the LACE Index to Predict 30-Day Re admissions in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Journal of personalized medicine
2022-05 Changes in Thoracic Cavity Volume After Bilateral Lung Transplantation Frontiers in medicine
2022-05 Association between perceived decline in family income due to COVID-19 and alcohol consumption among Korean adolescents. JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS
2022-04 Assessment of textbook outcome after lobectomy for early-stage non-small cell lung cancer in a Korean institution: A retrospective study Thoracic Cancer
2022-03 LACE Index to Predict the High Risk of 30-Day Readmission: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal of personalized medicine
2022-03 Short-term smoking increases the risk of insulin resistance SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022-03 Income disparities in cancer screening: a cross-sectional study of the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2013-2019 Frontiers in Public Health
2022-03 Association between the Perceived Household Financial Decline Due to COVID-19 and Smartphone Dependency among Korean Adolescents International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2022-03 Irritable bowel syndrome and subsequent risk of Parkinson’s disease: a nationwide population-based matched-cohort study JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
2022-01 Survey for Government Policies Regarding Strategies for the Commercialization and Globalization of Digital Therapeutics Yonsei Medical Journal
2022-01 Association between changes in depressive symptoms and hazardous drinking: Findings from the Korea Welfare Panel Study (2013-2018) Frontiers in Public Health
2021-10 Development of population-based cancer indicators and a measurement of cancer care continuum using a modified delphi method Cancers
2021-10 Risk of COVID-19 and major adverse clinical outcomes among people with disabilities in South Korea DISABILITY AND HEALTH JOURNAL
2021-08 Effects of diabetes mellitus on the rate of carpal tunnel release in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2021-06 Risk of Cardiac Disease in Patients With Breast Cancer: Impact of Patient-Specific Factors and Individual Heart Dose From Three-Dimensional Radiation Therapy Planning INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS
2021-03 3대 만성질환자의 지역별 의료비 분석 보건행정학회지
2021-03 개인의 사회경제적 수준과 지역의 사회경제적 수준의 상호작용이 제2형 당뇨 환자에서 당뇨합병증 발생 및 당뇨와 관련된 입원에 미치는 영향: 2002-2013년 국민건강보험공단 표본 코호트 자료를 활용하여 보건행정학회지