논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-08 Cosmic birefringence by dark photon Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
2024-07 Higgs inflation with a Gauss-Bonnet term Physical Review D
2024-07 Effective theory approach for axion wormholes Journal of High Energy Physics
2023-11 Missing information search with deep learning for mass estimation Physical Review Research
2023-10 Composite Hybrid Inflation: Dilaton and Waterfall Pions Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
2023-07 Axion quality problem and nonminimal gravitational coupling in the Palatini formulation Physical Review d
2023-05 Nonminimally assisted inflation: a general analysis Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
2023-01 Phenomenological implications on a hidden sector from the festina lente bound Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
2023-01 A comprehensive study of vector leptoquark with <i>U</i>(1)B3-L2 on the <i>B</i>-meson and Muon g-2 anomalies Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
2022-10 The Inflaton that Could : Primordial Black Holes and Second Order Gravitational Waves from Tachyonic Instability induced in Higgs-R2 Inflation Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
2022-05 Non-minimally assisted chaotic inflation JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS
2022-02 Reheating in models with non-minimal coupling in metric and Palatini formalisms JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS
2022-02 Festina-Lente bound on Higgs vacuum structure and inflation JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS
2021-11 Stellar interferometry for gravitational waves JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS
2021-07 Probing new physics with high-multiplicity events: Ultrahigh-energy neutrinos at air-shower detector arrays PHYSICAL REVIEW D
2021-05 Progress in Higgs inflation JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
2021-04 Search for new light vector boson using J/Ψ at BESIII and Belle II JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS
2021-03 Spontaneous leptogenesis in Higgs inflation JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS
2021-01 Primordial black holes in Higgs-R2 inflation as the whole of dark matter JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS
2020-12 Leptonic new force and cosmic-ray boosted dark matter for the XENON1T excess PHYSICS LETTERS B
2020-06 Beyond the Starobinsky model for inflation PHYSICS LETTERS B
2020-04 Light gauge boson interpretation for (g − 2)μ and the KL → π0 + (invisible) anomaly at the J-PARC KOTO experiment JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS
2020-03 Higgs inflation in metric and Palatini formalisms: required suppression of higher dimensional operators JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS
2020-03 Timing information at HL-LHC: complete determination of masses of dark matter and long lived particle JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS
2019-10 Search for muon-philic new light gauge boson at Belle II JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS
2019-07 Angular distribution as an effective probe of new physics in semihadronic three-body meson decays PHYSICAL REVIEW D
2019-06 Clockwork inflation with non-minimal coupling EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C
2019-06 Exact greybody factors for the brane scalar field of five-dimensional rotating black holes JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS
2019-04 Hillclimbing inflation in metric and Palatini formulations PHYSICS LETTERS B
2019-04 On the violent preheating in the mixed Higgs-R2 inflationary model PHYSICS LETTERS B
2019-02 Higgs inflation and the refined dS conjecture PHYSICS LETTERS B
2019-01 Minimal gauge inflation and the refined Swampland conjecture JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS
2018-07 A minimal gauge inflation model CHINESE PHYSICS C
2018-06 Physics potentials with the second Hyper-Kamiokande detector in Korea PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS
2018-01 Clockwork Seesaw Mechanisms PHYSICS LETTERS B
2017-05 Di-Higgs enhancement by neutral scalar as probe of new colored sector EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C
2017-04 Electroweak Kaluza-Klein dark matter JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS
2016-12 LHC 750 GeV diphoton excess in a radiative seesaw model PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS
2016-10 Investigating the jet activity accompanying the production at the LHC of a massive scalar particle decaying into photons PHYSICS LETTERS B
2016-08 누가 암흑물질을 주문했나?: 암흑물질의 필요성 새물리, New Physics: Sae Mulli
2016-08 Indirect signature of dark matter with the diphoton resonance at 750 GeV PHYSICS OF THE DARK UNIVERSE
2016-01 Galactic center GeV gamma-ray excess, from dark matter with gauged lepton numbers PHYSICS LETTERS B
2015-11 Diboson excesses demystified in effective field theory approach JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS
2015-10 W0 at the LHC with p s = 14 TeV: Split Universal Extra Dimension Model JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
2015-07 Superheavy dark matter and IceCube neutrino signals: Bounds on decaying dark matter PHYSICAL REVIEW D