논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-08 Association of hair cortisol concentration with brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene methylation: The role of sex as a moderator Stress and Health
2024-07 Understanding patient perspectives on digital therapeutics and its platform for insomnia: insights from focused group interviews BMC Health Services Research
2024-06 Subjective Cognitive Decline in Community-Dwelling Older Adults With Objectively Normal Cognition: Mediation by Depression and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2024-06 The prevalence and moderating factors of sleep disturbances in people living with HIV: a systematic review and meta‑analysis Scientific Reports
2024-04 Insomnia in patients on incident maintenance dialysis and the risk of major acute cardio-cerebrovascular events and all-cause mortality Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
2024-02 A Prospective Sociocentric Study of 2 Entire Traditional Korean Villages: The Korean Social Life, Health, and Aging Project (KSHAP) American Journal of Epidemiology
2023-04 Impact of data extraction errors in meta-analyses on the association between depression and peripheral inflammatory biomarkers: an umbrella review PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE
2023-03 Digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia on depression and anxiety: a systematic review and meta-analysis Npj Digital Medicine
2022-12 COVID-19 팬데믹을 지나면서 살펴보는 수면과 면역의 관계 여성정신의학
2022-12 Theory of mind and hair cortisol in healthy young adults: the moderating effects of childhood trauma European Journal of Psychotraumatology
2022-11 Plasma amyloid-beta oligomer is related to subjective cognitive decline and brain amyloid status Alzheimer's Research and Therapy
2022-09 Clinical Characteristics of HIV-Infected Patients With Sleep Disturbance Chronobiology in Medicine
2022-09 Effectiveness of Nootropics in Combination with Cholinesterase Inhibitors on Cognitive Function inMild-to-Moderate Dementia: A Study Using Real-World Data Journal of Clinical Medicine
2022-08 경도인지장애 선별 평가를 위한 가상현실 인지기능평가의 개발: 예비 연구 신경정신의학
2022-08 Relationship of neurocognitive ability, perspective taking, and psychoticism with hostile attribution bias in non-clinical participants: Theory of mind as a mediator Frontiers in Psychology
2022-06 Association of cognitive enhancers and incident seizure risk in dementia: a population-based study BMC GERIATRICS
2022-06 Frailty and Insomnia in Older Adults Chronobiology in Medicine
2022-05 The stress-vulnerability model on the path to schizophrenia:Interaction between BDNF methylation and schizotypy on the resting-state brain network Schizophrenia
2022-05 Prediction of good sleep with physical activity and light exposure: a preliminary study JOURNAL OF CLINICAL SLEEP MEDICINE
2022-03 The importance of psychiatric disorders in end-stage kidney disease patients Kidney Research and Clinical Practice
2022-01 Risk of Incident Dementia According to Glycemic Status and Comorbidities of Hyperglycemia: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study DIABETES CARE
2021-12 Can Digital Therapeutics Open a New Era of Sleep Medicine? Chronobiology in Medicine
2021-11 Empathy and Theory of Mind in Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis: Relations With Schizotypy and Executive Function PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2021-11 Effect of Childhood Trauma on the Association Between Stress-Related Psychological Factors and Hair Cortisol Level in Young Adults PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2021-10 Suicide associated with COVID-19 infection: an immunological point of view EUROPEAN REVIEW FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES
2021-10 Sex‑specific association of hair cortisol concentration with stress‑related psychological factors in healthy young adults BIOLOGY OF SEX DIFFERENCES
2021-07 Shame and guilt in youth at ultra-high risk for psychosis COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY
2021-06 Increased resting‑state cerebellar‑cortical connectivity in breast cancer survivors with cognitive complaints after chemotherapy SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2021-05 Social connectedness and hair cortisol in community-dwelling older adults Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology
2021-04 “Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test”: Translated and Korean Versions PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2021-04 젊은 조현병 환자에서 공감경향과 마음이론기술: 자기보고 조현형차원 및 실행기능과의 연관성 대한조현병학회지
2021-03 Associations of Self-Consciousness with Insomnia Symptoms Chronobiology in Medicine
2021-02 Association between the change of total cholesterol during adolescence and depressive symptoms in early adulthood EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY
2020-11 Environmental risk factors, protective factors, and peripheral biomarkers for ADHD: an umbrella review LANCET PSYCHIATRY
2020-11 Sex differences in the association between social relationships and insomnia symptoms JOURNAL OF CLINICAL SLEEP MEDICINE
2020-10 Psychosocial factors affecting sleep misperception in middle-aged community-dwelling adults PLOS ONE
2020-10 Deactivation of anterior cingulate cortex during virtual social interaction in obsessive-compulsive disorder PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH-NEUROIMAGING
2020-09 Changes in resting-state brain connectivity following computerized cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in dialysis patients: A pilot study GENERAL HOSPITAL PSYCHIATRY
2020-08 Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test: Relationship with Neurocognition and Facial Emotion Recognition in Non-Clinical Youths PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2020-08 Mobile App Use for Insomnia Self-Management in Urban Community-Dwelling Older Korean Adults: Retrospective Intervention Study Journal of Medicine Internet Research Mhealth and Uhealth
2020-08 불면증의 인지행동치료 Journal of the Korean Medical Association(대한의사협회지)
2020-06 Benzodiazepine Use and Risk of Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma: A Population-Based Case-Crossover Study DRUG SAFETY
2020-06 Impaired Facial Emotion Recognition in Individuals at Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis and Associations With Schizotypy and Paranoia Level FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY
2020-06 Heterogeneous association patterns of depressive subfactors in suicidality: The 2014 and 2016 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS
2020-05 Reduced activation of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex during self-referential processing in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY
2020-05 Gender differences in social network of cognitive function among community-dwelling older adults GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL
2020-03 Cognitive Behavioral Treatment as a digital therapeutic for insomnia Chronobiology in Medicine
2019-10 Reduced DNA Methylation of the Oxytocin Receptor Gene Is Associated With Anhedonia-Asociality in Women With Recent-Onset Schizophrenia and Ultra-high Risk for Psychosis SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN
2019-08 Cox Proportional Hazard Regression Versus a Deep Learning Algorithm in the Prediction of Dementia: An Analysis Based on Periodic Health Examination JMIR medical informatics
2019-07 Association between use of benzodiazepines and occurrence of acute angle-closure glaucoma in the elderly: A population-based study JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH
2019-07 Associations of systemic inflammation with frontotemporal functional network connectivity and out-degree social-network size in community- dwelling older adults BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY
2019-06 Factors Associated With Psychosocial Functioning and Outcome of Individuals With Recent-Onset Schizophrenia and at Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY
2019-06 The Associations between Anger Expression and Insomnia among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Korea Chronobiology in Medicine
2019-06 Psychotic conversion of individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis: The potential roles of schizotypy and basic symptoms EARLY INTERVENTION IN PSYCHIATRY
2019-06 Suicidal ideation in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis and its association with suspiciousness independent of depression EARLY INTERVENTION IN PSYCHIATRY
2019-02 Population-based dementia prediction model using Korean public health examination data: A cohort study PLOS ONE
2018-12 지역 사회 노인을 대상으로 한 불면증 단기 치료 프로그램의 효과 Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology(수면정신생리)
2018-10 Association between appendicular skeletal muscle mass and depressive symptoms: Review of the cardiovascular and metabolic diseases etiology research center cohort JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS
2018-09 Aberrant Tendency of Noncurrent Emotional Experiences in Individuals at Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2018-08 Fragile Self and Malevolent Others: Biased Attribution Styles in Individuals at Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2018-06 Aberrant cerebro-cerebellar functional connectivity and minimal self-disturbance in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis and with first-episode schizophrenia SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH
2018-06 Coping styles in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis: Associations with cognitive appraisals PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH
2018-04 지역사회 노인에서 코골이가 낙상의 위험에 미치는 영향 노인정신의학
2018-04 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia Reduces Hypnotic Prescriptions PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2017-12 인지 저하를 호소하는 유방암 환자들의 인지 기능 관련 요인 정신신체의학
2017-12 농촌 노인의 스트레스와 주관적 구강건조감의 관련성: 예비조사 대한구강보건학회지
2017-11 Prevalence of depression and suicidal ideation increases proportionally with renal function decline, beginning from early stages of chronic kidney disease. MEDICINE
2017-07 Factors Associated with Insomnia among the Elderly in a Korean Rural Community PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2017-06 추적 관찰을 통한 한국 농촌 노인의 수면 장애 예측 Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology(수면정신생리)
2017-01 Social network types among older Korean adults: Associations with subjective health SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE
2016-11 Associations between actigraphy-assessed sleep, inflammatory markers, and insulin resistance in the Midlife Development in the United States (MIDUS) study SLEEP MEDICINE
2016-07 Frontostriatal Connectivity Changes in Major Depressive Disorder After Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Randomized Sham-Controlled Study. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY
2016-07 Experiential pleasure deficits in the prodrome: A study of emotional experiences in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis and recent-onset schizophrenia COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY
2016-06 한국판 역학연구 우울척도 개정판(K-CESD-R)의 표준화 연구 정신신체의학
2016-05 Cholinesterase Inhibitor Donepezil Increases Mitochondrial Biogenesis through AMP-Activated Protein Kinase in the Hippocampus NEUROPSYCHOBIOLOGY
2015-09 Incidence of narcolepsy before and after MF59-adjuvanted influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccination in South Korean soldiers. VACCINE
2015-09 불면증 약물요법의 허와 실 Journal of the Korean Medical Association
2015-08 Progress of PTSD symptoms following birth: a prospective study in mothers of high-risk infants JOURNAL OF PERINATOLOGY
2015-06 Impaired facial emotion recognition in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis and with first-episode schizophrenia, and their associations with neurocognitive deficits and self-reported schizotypy SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH
2015-05 Requirement of AMPK activation for neuronal metabolic-enhancing effects of antidepressant paroxetine NEUROREPORT
2015-05 Neurocognitive impairments in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis: Who will really convert? AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY
2015-01 Effect of hypertension on the resting-state functional connectivity in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) ARCHIVES OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS
2014-10 정신증 고위험군과 조현병 환자에서 정서조절곤란, 귀인편향, 신경인지손상결핍 : 편집증과의 관계 대한조현병학회지
2014-08 Distinct functional connectivity of limbic network in the washing type obsessive-compulsive disorder PROGRESS IN NEURO-PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY & BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY
2014-05 Reduced Binding Potential of GABA-A/Benzodiazepine Receptors in Individuals at Ultra-high Risk for Psychosis:An [18F]-Fluroflumazenil Positron Emission Tomography Study SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN
2014-04 Theory of Mind as a Mediator of Reasoning and Facial Emotion Recognition: Findings from 200 Healthy People PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2013-11 Temperament and character in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis and with first-episode schizophrenia: Associations with psychopathology, psychosocial functioning, and aspects of psychological health COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY
2013-11 Persistent Sleep Disturbance: A Risk Factor for Recurrent Depression in Community-Dwelling Older Adults SLEEP
2013-10 자살 시도자들에 대한 응급 중재 후 정신과 치료 연계와 관련된 요인 우울조울병(Journal of Korean Society for Depressive and Bipolar Disorders)
2013-09 Disruption of Orbitofronto-Striatal Functional Connectivity Underlies Maladaptive Persistent Behaviors in Alcohol-Dependent Patients PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION