논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-10 Characteristics of new particle formation events occurred over the Yellow Sea in Springtime from 2019 to 2022 Atmospheric Research
2024-07 CCN Activation and Droplet Growth in Pi Chamber Simulations with Lagrangian Particle–Based Microphysics Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
2024-01 High‐resolution measurements of microphysics and entrainment in marine stratocumulus clouds Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
2023-11 A New CCN Number Concentration Prediction Method Based on Multiple Linear Regression and Non‐Negative Matrix Factorization: 2. Application to Obtain CCN Spectra in and Around the Korean Peninsula Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
2023-11 A New CCN Number Concentration Prediction Method Based on Multiple Linear Regression and Non-Negative Matrix Factorization: 1. Development, Validation, and Comparison Using the Measurement Data Over the Korean Peninsula Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
2022-12 Atmospheric sulfate formation in the Seoul Metropolitan Area during spring/summer: Effect of trace metal ions Environmental Pollution
2022-11 Influence of Entrainment on Centimeter-Scale Cloud Microphysics in Marine Stratocumulus Clouds Observed during CSET Journals of the Atmospheric Sciences
2022-10 Evaluation of cloud seeding on the securement of additional water resources in the Boryeong Dam Basin, Korea Journal of Hydrology
2022-08 Development of the UKESM-TOPAZ Earth System Model (Version 1.0) and Preliminary Evaluation of its Biogeochemical Simulations ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2022-02 Aerosol and Cloud Experiments in the Eastern North Atlantic (ACE-ENA) BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY
2021-12 Vertical Variations of Cloud Microphysical Relationships in Marine Stratocumulus Clouds Observed During the ACE-ENA Campaign JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES
2021-12 Boundary layer versus free tropospheric submicron particle formation: A case study from NASA DC-8 observations in the Asian continental outflow during the KORUS-AQ campaign ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
2021-11 Machine Learning Uncovers Aerosol Size Information From Chemistry and Meteorology to Quantify Potential Cloud-Forming Particles GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2021-10 Aerosol properties within and above the planetary boundary layer across the Korean Peninsula during December 2016 ATMOSPHERE
2021-09 Climatology of Melting Layer Heights Estimated From Cloud Radar Observations at Various Locations JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES
2021-09 Characterization of submicron aerosols over the Yellow Sea measured onboard the Gisang 1 research vessel in the spring of 2018 and 2019 ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
2021-07 Comprehensive quantification of height dependence of entrainment mixing between stratiform cloud top and environment ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2021-05 The Korea-United States Air Quality (KORUS-AQ) field study ELEMENTA-SCIENCE OF THE ANTHROPOCENE
2021-05 Characteristics of Precipitation Particles Measured by PARSIVEL Disdrometer at a Mountain and a Coastal Site in Korea ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2021-04 Direct radiative forcing of biomass burning aerosols from the extensive Australian wildfires in 2019-2020 ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2021-03 Variability of aerosol-cloud interactions induced by different cloud droplet nucleation schemes ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
2021-01 Optimization of the sulfate aerosol hygroscopicity parameter in WRF-Chem GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT
2020-12 서울의 기상 조건에 따른 미세먼지와 시정의 상관성 대기
2020-12 A study of the effect of regenerated CCN on marine stratocumulus cloud development using the WRF-LES model with spectral bin microphysics scheme ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
2020-10 Hygroscopicity of urban aerosols and its link to size-resolved chemical composition during spring and summer in Seoul, Korea ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2020-10 On the submicron aerosol distributions and CCN activity in and around the Korean Peninsula measured onboard the NASA DC-8 research aircraft during the KORUS-AQ field campaign ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
2020-05 海洋层积云中的云滴谱宽度及其影响因子 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
2020-05 Shipborne observations reveal contrasting Arctic marine, Arctic terrestrial and Pacific marine aerosol properties ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2020-05 Reconciling Contrasting Relationships Between Relative Dispersion and Volume-Mean Radius of Cloud Droplet Size Distributions JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES
2020-03 Improvement of fog predictability by the nudging of a meteorological tower data in the WRF and PAFOG couple model. ATMOSPHERE
2020-02 Influence of quasi-periodic oscillation of atmospheric variables on radiation fog over a mountainous region of Korea ATMOSPHERE
2020-02 Dynamical behavior of combined detrended cross-correlation analysis methods in random walks and Lévy flights PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS
2020-02 Numerical Simulation of Sea Fog over the Yellow Sea: Comparison between UM + PAFOG and WRF + PAFOG Coupled Systems ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2019-12 서울에서의 미세먼지 저감을 위한 인공강수 가능성 진단 대기
2019-12 Impact of secondary droplet activation on the contrasting cloud microphysical relationships during the wet and dry seasons in the Amazon ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
2019-11 1.5/2.0℃ 지구온난화 시나리오 기반의 동아시아 기후변화 분석 대기
2019-11 Effects of Anthropogenic and Natural Forcings on the Summer Temperature Variations in East Asia during the 20th Century ATMOSPHERE
2019-11 Empirical evidence of a positive climate forcing of aerosols at elevated albedo ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
2019-11 Development of a new visibility parameterization based on the measurement of fog microphysics at a mountain site in Korea ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
2019-10 A WRF Modeling Study on the Effects of Land Use Changes on Fog Off the West Coast of the Korean Peninsula PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS
2019-08 Arctic Primary aerosol production strongly influenced by riverine organic matter ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
2019-06 Neural network and regression methods for optimizations between two meteorological factors PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS
2019-05 A Review of High Impact Weather for Aviation Meteorology PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS
2018-12 Characterization of submicron aerosols and CCN over the Yellow Sea measured onboard the Gisang 1 research vessel using the positive matrix factorization analysis method ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
2018-11 Microphysical characteristics of frozen droplet aggregates from deep convective clouds ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2018-10 Polar Cooling Effect Due to Increase of Phytoplankton and Dimethyl-Sulfide Emission ATMOSPHERE
2018-07 Impact of urban aerosol properties on cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity during the KORUS-AQ field campaign ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT
2018-06 구름방울 활성화 과정 모수화 방법에 따른 구름 형성의 민감도 실험 대기
2018-06 Factors that control heavy snowfalls in the eastern coast of Korea TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES
2018-04 On Which Microphysical Time Scales to Use in Studies of Entrainment-Mixing Mechanisms in Clouds JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES
2018-02 Long-term cloud condensation nuclei number concentration, particle number size distribution and chemical composition measurements at regionally representative observatories ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2018-02 Numerical Simulations of Airborne Glaciogenic Cloud Seeding Using the WRF Model with the Modified Morrison Scheme over the Pyeongchang Region in the Winter of 2016 ADVANCES IN METEOROLOGY
2017-09 A study on the entrainment and mixing process in the continental stratocumulus clouds measured during the RACORO campaign ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
2017-03 Collocated observations of cloud condensation nuclei, particle size distributions, and chemical composition Scientific Data
2017-03 Hygroscopic properties of urban aerosols and their cloud condensation nuclei activities measured in Seoul during the MAPS-Seoul campaign ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT
2017-02 Effects of aerosol on evaporation, freezing and precipitation in a multiple cloud system CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2016-09 Implementation of a new empirical relationship between aerosol and cloud droplet concentrations in a climate model CLIMATE RESEARCH
2016-06 기상 관측선 기상 1호에서 관측한 황해의 에어로졸과구름응결핵 수농도 특성 연구 대기
2016-02 A numerical study of winter orographic seeding experiments in Korea using the Weather Research and Forecasting model METEOROLOGY AND ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS
2015-05 Cloud microphysical relationships and their implication on entrainment and mixing mechanism for the stratocumulus clouds measured during the VOCALS project JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES
2015-03 기상청 현업 모형(UM)과 1차원 난류모형(PAFOG)의접합시스템 개발 및 검증 대기
2015-01 "Characteristics of submicron aerosol number size distribution and new particle formation events measured in Seoul, Korea, during 2004-2012" ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2014-08 A modeling study of the aerosol effects on ice microphysics in convective cloud and precipitation development under different thermodynamic conditions ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
2014-08 On the submicron aerosol distributions and CCN number concentrations in and around the Korean Peninsula ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2014-03 기상청 지구시스템모델에서의 구름입자 수농도 모수화 방법 개선 대기
2014-02 Effect of aerosol pollution on clouds and its dependence on precipitation intensity CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2013-12 인천국제공항의 안개 특성에 따른 안개 안정 지수 FSI(Fog Stability Index) 개발 및 검증 대기
2013-02 A Study on the Transition Mechanism of a Stratus Cloud into a Warm Sea Fog Using a Single Column Model PAFOG Coupled with WRF ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2012-11 Anthropogenic radiative forcing of marine stratocumulus clouds under different thermodynamic conditions-An LES model study ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
2012-06 A Numerical Study of Sea-Fog Formation over Cold Sea Surface Using a One-Dimensional Turbulence Model Coupled with the Weather Research and Forecasting Model BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY
2012-05 Marine Boundary Layer Structure for the Sea Fog Formation off the West Coast of the Korean Peninsula PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS
2012-03 대관령과 영종도에서 측정한 에어러솔 크기분포 및 CCN 수농도에 관한 연구 대기
2012-03 Takahashi 구름모형에서의 얼음입자 충돌효율 개선 대기
2012-02 A new approach for estimating entrainment rate in cumulus clouds Geophysical Research Letters
2012-01 Aerosol concentration and size distribution measured below, in, and above cloud from the DOE G-1 during VOCALS-REx ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2011-12 On aerosol hygroscopicity, cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) spectra and critical supersaturation measured at two remote islands of Korea between 2006 and 2009 ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2011-01 Aerosol effects on the development of a supercell storm in a double moment bulk cloud microphysics scheme JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES
2010-10 Suppression of very low intensity precipitation in Korea Atmospheric Research
2010-08 New particle formation and growth in relation to vertical mixing and chemical species during ABC-EAREX2005 Atmospheric Research
2010-07 Local meteorological and synoptic characteristics of fogs formed over Incheon international airport in the west coast of Korea Advances In Atmospheric Sciences
2010-06 서울지역 겨울철 대기 에어로졸의 수 농도 및 산란계수 분석 PARTICLE AND AEROSOL RESEARCH
2009-09 Observations of marine stratocumulus microphysics and implications for processes controlling droplet spectra: Results from the Marine Stratus/Stratocumulus Experiment Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
2009-06 Ship measurements of submicron aerosol size distributions over the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea Atmospheric Research
2009-03 Preliminary Results of the Ground-Based Orographic Snow Enhancement Experiment for the Easterly Cold Fog (Cloud) at Daegwallyeong during the 2006 Winter Advances In Atmospheric Sciences
2009-03 Comparison of the Bright Band Characteristics Measured by Micro Rain Radar (MRR) at a Mountain and a Coastal Site in South Korea Advances In Atmospheric Sciences
2008-12 네펠 로미터로 관측 한 서울 의 에어 러솔 산란 계수 특성 대기
2008-01 Cloud condensation nuclei activity at Jeju Island, Korea in spring 2005 Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics
2008-01 Ship tracks revisited: New understanding and cloud parameterization Asia-Pacific Journal Of Atmospheric Sciences
2007-12 Effects of prescribed initial cloud droplet spectra on convective cloud and precipitation developments under different thermodynamic conditions: A modeling and observational study ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
2007-12 Submicron aerosol size distributions and cloud condensation nuclei concentrations measured at Gosan, Korea, during the Atmospheric Brown Clouds-East Asian Regional Experiment 2005 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES
2007-11 H-TDMA를 이용한 대기 에어로졸 흡습성 측정 PARTICLE AND AEROSOL RESEARCH
2007-03 구름물리 관측시스템 및 산출물 검정 대기
2007-02 Estimation of the Melting Layer from a Micro Rain Radar (MRR) data at the Cloud Physics Observation System (CPOS) site at Daegwallyeong Weather Station 한국기상학회지
2006-03 : Characteristics of atmospheric aerosols observed at Anmyeon, Korea during the ABC Gosan EAREX 2005 International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences
2006-01 Analytical expression for the relative dispersion of the cloud droplet size distribution GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2005-12 한반도에서의 지형성 인공증우(설) 실험 성공 가능성에 대한 연구 한국기상학회지
2005-05 Springtime cloud condensation nuclei concentrations on the west coast of Korea GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2005-02 Adiabatic predictions and observations of cloud droplet spectral broadness ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH