논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-05 Association between Dietary Quality and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Korean Adults: A Nationwide, Population-Based Study Using the Korean Healthy Eating Index (2013–2021) Nutrients
2024-05 Temporary Employment Is Associated with Poor Dietary Quality in Middle-Aged Workers in Korea: A Nationwide Study Based on the Korean Healthy Eating Index, 2013–2021 Nutrients
2024-05 Relationship between long working hours and smoking behaviors: Evidence from population-based cohort studies in Korea Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health
2024-01 Association between long working hours and the onset of problematic alcohol use in young workers: A population-based longitudinal analysis in South Korea Journal of Affective Disorders
2023-12 Characteristics and Socio-Demographic Distribution of Precarious Employment Among Korean Wage Workers: A Proposition of Multidimensional Approach Using a Summative Score SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK
2023-12 Multidimensional typologies of precarious employment and their relationships with mental well-being in Korean wageworkers: A latent class analysis based on the Korean Working Conditions Survey (2020-2021) PREVENTIVE MEDICINE
2023-12 Socioeconomic Disparities in the Association Between All-Cause Mortality and Health Check-Up Participation Among Healthy Middle-Aged Workers: A Nationwide Study Journal of Korean Medical Science
2023-11 Association of Alcohol Consumption With Liver Cancer and All-Cause Mortality in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Without Cirrhosis CLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY
2023-10 Association between exposure to violence, job stress and depressive symptoms among gig economy workers in Korea Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
2023-10 Multidimensional employment precariousness mediates the association between low educational attainment and poor subjective well-being: results from a nationwide cross-sectional study in South Korea Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health
2023-10 Association between high emotional demand at work, burnout symptoms, and sleep disturbance among Korean workers: a cross-sectional mediation analysis Scientific Reports
2023-10 Depressive Symptomatology as a Predictor of Cognitive Impairment: Evidence from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (KLOSA), 2006–2020 Biomedicines
2023-10 Association between long working hours and cigarette smoking, leisure-time physical activity, and risky alcohol use: Findings from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2014–2021) Preventive Medicine
2023-09 Self-Esteem Trajectories After Occupational Injuries and Diseases and Their Relation to Changes in Subjective Health: Result From the Panel Study of Workers’ Compensation Insurance (PSWCI) Journal of Korean Medical Science
2023-09 The role of work-family conflict in the association between long working hours and workers' sleep disturbance and burnout: results from the sixth Korean Working Conditions Survey BJPSYCH OPEN
2023-09 Disparity of Bladder Cancer Incidence Among Male Workers Across Industries: A Population Based Cohort Study From South Korea Journal of occupational and environmental medicine
2023-09 Reciprocal longitudinal associations of supportive workplace relationships with depressive symptoms and self-rated health: A study of Korean women Social Science and Medicine
2023-08 Working hours and the onset of suicidal ideation and depressive symptoms: A 10-year nationwide longitudinal study in South Korea (2012–2022) Psychiatry Research
2023-08 Association between weekly working hours and risky alcohol use: A 12-year longitudinal, nationwide study from South Korea Psychiatry Research
2023-06 Cancer incidence among male construction workers in Korea: a standardized incidence ratio analysis, 2009-2015 Epidemiology and health
2023-06 Comparable Mortality Between Asian Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Under Long-Term Antiviral Therapy vs Matched Control: A Population-Based Study American Journal of Gastroenterology
2023-06 Association between long working hours and physical inactivity in middle-aged and older adults: a Korean longitudinal study (2006-2020) Journal of epidemiology and community health
2023-05 Risk of psychological distress by decrease in economic activity, gender, and age due to COVID-19: A multinational study Frontiers in Public Health
2023-04 Estimated trends in hospitalizations due to occupational injuries in Korea based on the Korean National Hospital Discharge In-depth Injury Survey (2006-2019) Epidemiology and health
2023-04 Cancer Incidence in Korean Healthcare Workers in Hospitals Cancers
2023-04 Investigating the potential association of temporary employment and job dissatisfaction with alcohol use disorder and depressive symptoms: A 13-wave longitudinal analysis BJPsych Open
2023-04 Statin use is associated with better post-operative prognosis among patients with hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma European Journal of Clinical Investigation
2023-03 Mediating Effect of Work-Family Conflict on the Relationship Between Long Commuting Time and Workers? Anxiety and Insomnia Safety and Health at Work
2023-03 Performance-Based Pay System and Job Stress Related to Depression/Anxiety in Korea: Analysis of Korea Working Condition Survey International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2023-03 Associations between precarious employment and smoking and regular exercise: Results from a Korean longitudinal panel study from 2005 to 2020 Preventive Medicine
2023-01 Cancer risk in Vietnam war veterans from the Korean Vietnam war veterans’ health study cohort Frontiers in Oncology
2023-01 Comparison of the risks of occupational diseases, avoidable hospitalization, and all-cause deaths between firefighters and non-firefighters: A cohort study using national health insurance claims data Frontiers in Public Health
2023-01 Teleworking Is Significantly Associated with Anxiety Symptoms and Sleep Disturbances among Paid Workers in the COVID-19 Era International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2023-01 Risks of Leukemia in Various Industrial Groups in Korea: A Retrospective National Cohort Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2023-01 Post-operative recurrence of liver cancer according to antiviral therapy for detectable hepatitis B viremia: A nationwide study European Journal of Internal Medicine
2022-12 The Association between Replacement Drivers and Depressive Symptoms International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2022-12 Associations between wives' and husbands' attitudes towards women's economic participation and depressive symptoms, poor subjective health, and unemployment status in married women: A Korean longitudinal study (2014-2020) SSM-POPULATION HEALTH
2022-12 Effect of metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease on liver cancer risk in a population with chronic hepatitis B virus infection: A nationwide study Hepatology Research
2022-12 Association between physical risk factors and sleep disturbance among workers in Korea: The 5th Korean Working Conditions Survey Sleep Medicine
2022-10 Heat exposure and workers' health: a systematic review REVIEWS ON ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH
2022-10 Respiratory Tract Cancer Incidences across Industry Groups: A Nationwide Cohort Study with More Than 70 Million Person-Years of Follow-Up CANCERS
2022-10 The significant association between quick return and depressive symptoms and sleep disturbances in paid workers: A nationwide survey Frontiers in Public Health
2022-10 Risk and Status of Gastrointestinal Cancer According to the International Standard Industrial Classification in Korean Workers Cancers
2022-10 Prognostic Impact of MAFLD Following Surgical Resection of Hepatitis B Virus-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Nationwide Cohort Study CANCERS
2022-09 The effect of job insecurity, employment type and monthly income on depressive symptom: analysis of Korean Longitudinal Study on Aging data Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
2022-09 건강보험 빅데이터를 통한 전체 근로자 및 공무원 근로자의 암 발생률 분석 한국산업보건학회지
2022-09 건강보험 청구 자료를 이용한 소방 및 경찰공무원의 암 종별 위험도 분석 한국산업보건학회지
2022-09 Resilience and Depressive Symptoms among Medical Staff in a Military Hospital Dedicated to the Treatment of COVID-19 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2022-09 The Association between New-Onset Depressive Symptoms and Participating in Medical Check-Ups among Elderly Individuals INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2022-09 Statin use and risk of progression to liver cirrhosis in chronic hepatitis B independent of conventional risk factors: A nationwide study Hepatology Communications
2022-08 Association between Workers' Anxiety over Technological Automation and Sleep Disturbance: Results from a Nationally Representative Survey International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2022-07 Analyzing decline in quality of life by examining employment status changes of occupationally injured workers post medical care Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
2022-07 Association of tenofovir and entecavir use with prognosis after surgical resection for hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE
2022-06 Association Between Insomnia and Constipation: A Multicenter Three- year Cross-sectional Study Using Shift Workers' Health Check-up Data Safety and Health at Work
2022-06 Risk of Cerebro-Cardiovascular Diseases among Police Officers and Firefighters: A Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Study YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2022-06 The relationship between occupational dust exposure and incidence of diabetes in male workers: A retrospective cohort study DIABETIC MEDICINE
2022-05 Clinical Indication of Aspirin Associated With Reduced Risk of Liver Cancer in Chronic Hepatitis B: A Nationwide Cohort Study AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY
2022-04 Secondhand Smoke in the Workplace Is Associated With Depression in Korean Workers Frontiers in Public Health
2022-04 Cohort Profile: The Korean Vietnam War Veterans’ Health Study Cohort (KOVECO) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2022-03 Does severe subacute noise exposure increase risk of new onset hypertension beyond conventional risk factors? A 30 000 person-years cohort study JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
2022-03 Association between Changes in the Regularity of Working Hours and Cognitive Impairment in Middle-Aged and Older Korean Workers: The Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging,2008-2018 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2022-02 Association of Occupational Noise Exposure and Incidence of Metabolic Syndrome in a Retrospective Cohort Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2022-02 Mental health symptoms among dependent contractors in Korea a cross-sectional study based on the Fifth Korean Working Condition Surevy Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
2022-01 Relationship between insomnia and rest time between shifts among shift workers: A multicenter cross-sectional study JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH
2021-12 Risk of Heat-Related Mortality, Disease, Accident, and Injury Among Korean Workers: A National Representative Study From 2002 to 2015 GEOHEALTH
2021-11 The Association Between the Number of Consecutive Night Shifts and Insomnia Among Shift Workers: A Multi-Center Study Frontiers in public health
2021-09 Association between Self-Perceived Social Support in the Workplace and the Presence of Depressive/Anxiety Symptoms International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2021-09 Predictors for depressive symptoms by four types of disability SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2021-09 Occupational noise exposure and incidence of high fasting blood glucose: A 3-year, multicenter, retrospective study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2021-06 Association between Job-Related Factors and Work-Related Anxiety, and Moderating Effect of Decision-Making Authority in Korean Wageworkers: A Cross-Sectional Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2021-04 How Is the Suicide Ideation in the Korean Armed Forces Affected by Mental Illness, Traumatic Events, and Social Support? JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2021-04 Relationship between workers' return to work, job retention and income in industrial accidents in Korea: a longitudinal study BMJ OPEN
2021-02 Fluctuations in influenza-like illness epidemics and suicide mortality: A time-series regression of 13-year mortality data in South Korea PLOS ONE
2021-02 Irregular Work Hours and the Risk of Sleep Disturbance Among Korean Service Workers Required to Suppress Emotion International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2020-12 Effect of Severe External Airborne Agents' Exposure on Dementia Journal of Clinical Medicine
2020-10 Work schedule irregularity and the risk of work-related injury among korean manual workers International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2020-09 Does suicidal ideation and depressive mood of parents affect their adolescent children's mental health? JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS
2020-08 Association Between Presenteeism/Absenteeism and Well-being Among Korean Workers JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE