논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-07 MRI-Based Radiomics Approach for Differentiating Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy from Epilepsy with Generalized Tonic–Clonic Seizures Alone Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
2024-06 Shared comorbidity of depression, migraine, insomnia, and fibromyalgia in a population-based sample Journal of Affective Disorders
2024-04 Long-term outcome of treatment-naïve patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis: A retrospective study in a single center Seizure
2024-03 Changes in heart rate variability over time from symptom onset of transient global amnesia Scientific Reports
2023-07 Development and validation of an artificial intelligence model for the early classification of the aetiology of meningitis and encephalitis: a retrospective observational study EClinicalMedicine
2022-12 Development and Validation of MRI-Based Radiomics Models for Diagnosing Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY
2022-08 Crystal-clear days and unclear days in migraine: A population-based study HEADACHE
2022-04 Development and validation of a web‑based headache diagnosis questionnaire SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022-01 Prevalence and impact of visual aura in migraine and probable migraine: a population study SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2021-11 Weekend catch-up sleep and depression: results from a nationally representative sample in Korea SLEEP MEDICINE
2021-08 Intrinsic Thalamic Network in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy With Hippocampal Sclerosis According to Surgical Outcomes FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY
2021-08 Impact of Insomnia Symptoms on the Clinical Presentation of Depressive Symptoms: A Cross-Sectional Population Study FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY
2021-06 Nasopharyngeal electrodes in temporal lobe epilepsy: A reappraisal of their diagnostic utility CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY
2020-12 Nasal pain as an aura: Amygdala origin? SEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2020-11 Family cohesion is differently associated with felt stigma depending on enacted stigma in adults with epilepsy EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR
2020-10 Functional Neural Changes after Low-Frequency Bilateral Globus Pallidus Internus Deep Brain Stimulation for Post-Hypoxic Cortical Myoclonus: Voxel-Based Subtraction Analysis of Serial Positron Emission Brain Sciences
2020-10 Sex differences in the association between chronotype and risk of depression SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2020-04 Predicting the antiepileptic drug response by brain connectivity in newly diagnosed focal epilepsy JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
2020-01 Volume change in amygdala enlargement as a prognostic factor in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: A longitudinal study EPILEPSIA
2019-11 A case of dyskinesia after levetiracetam administration BMC NEUROLOGY
2019-11 Regional Connectivity Changes According to Seizure Outcome of Temporal Epilepsy Surgery: A Magnetoencephalography Study Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
2019-07 Sirtuin3 Protected Against Neuronal Damage and Cycled into Nucleus in Status Epilepticus Model MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY
2019-07 Relationship Between Sleep Apnea and Coronary Artery Calcium in Patients With Ischemic Stroke FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY
2018-08 The effect of presymptomatic hypertension in posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR
2018-08 First Molecular Diagnosis of a Patient with Unverricht-Lundborg Disease in Korea YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2018-07 Increased Superoxide Dismutase 2 by Allopregnanolone Ameliorates ROS-Mediated Neuronal Death in Mice with Pilocarpine-Induced Status Epilepticus NEUROCHEMICAL RESEARCH
2017-10 Trafficking patterns of NMDA and GABAA receptors in a Mg2+-free cultured hippocampal neuron model of status epilepticus. EPILEPSY RESEARCH
2017-08 알코올 금단 증후군과 알코올 금단 발작의 관리 대한신경과학회지
2016-10 Simple partial seizures aggravated or induced by benzodiazepine injection. SEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2016-08 Atrophy of the pedunculopontine nucleus region in patients with sleep-predominant seizures: A voxel-based morphometry study EPILEPSIA
2016-03 Clinical Utility of Bone Marrow Study in Gaucher Disease: A Case Report of Gaucher Disease Type 3 With Intractable Myoclonic Seizures ANNALS OF LABORATORY MEDICINE
2016-01 Development of epilepsy after posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome SEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2015-06 GWAS identifies two susceptibility loci for lamotrigine-induced skin rash in patients with epilepsy EPILEPSY RESEARCH
2015-02 Long-term prognosis of patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome in recent decades EPILEPSY RESEARCH
2014-06 Effect of Androsterone after Pilocarpine-induced Status Epilepticus in Mice Journal of Epilepsy Research
2014-05 Nonconvulsive status epilepticus manifesting as full-blown psychosis during pregnancy SEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2014-04 Effects of botulinum toxin on jaw motor events during sleep in sleep bruxism patients: a polysomnographic evaluation JOURNAL OF CLINICAL SLEEP MEDICINE
2014-03 Prophylactic effect of erythropoietin injection to prevent acute mountain sickness: an open-label randomized controlled trial. JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2014-01 A newly discovered LGI1 mutation in Korean family with autosomal dominant lateral temporal lobe epilepsy SEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2014-01 Epilepsy: New genes, new technologies, new insights LANCET NEUROLOGY
2012-12 Reflex epilepsy induced by playing Go-stop or Baduk games SEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2012-05 The Localizing and Lateralizing Value of Auras in Lesional Partial Epilepsy Patients YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2012-04 Short-term efficacy and safety of zonisamide as adjunctive treatment for refractory partial seizures: A multicenter open-label single-arm trial in Korean patients SEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2012-02 인슐린종으로 인한 과다수면과 무의식배회 대한신경과학회지
2011-12 Simple Partial Status of Forced Thinking Originated in the Mesial Temporal Region: Intracranial Foramen Ovale Electrode Recording and Ictal PET Journal of Epilepsy Research
2011-06 The effect of topiramate monotherapy on bone mineral density and markers of bone and mineral metabolism in premenopausal women with epilepsy EPILEPSIA
2011-01 Cognitive and behavioral effects of lamotrigine and carbamazepine monotherapy in patients with newly diagnosed or untreated partial epilepsy SEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2010-12 Determination of lamotrigine in human serum by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry Neurological Sciences
2010-07 Clinical feasibility of immediate overnight switching from slow-release carbamazepine to oxcarbazepine in Korean patients with refractory partial epilepsy Seizure-European Journal Of Epilepsy
2010-04 A nonsynonymous variation in MRP2/ABCC2 is associated with neurological adverse drug reactions of carbamazepine in patients with epilepsy Pharmacogenetics And Genomics
2009-08 Long-term efficacy and tolerability of topiramate as add-on therapy in refractory partial epilepsy: An observational study Epilepsia
2009-06 Palilalia, echolalia, and echopraxia-palipraxia as ictal manifestations in a patient with left frontal lobe epilepsy Epilepsia
2009-04 Surgery for intractable non-lesional partial epilepsy Advances In Clinical Neuroscience & Rehabilitation : Acnr
2009-03 Pregabalin add-on therapy using a flexible, optimized dose schedule in refractory partial epilepsies: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial Epilepsia
2008-11 신경근 통증으로 발현된 척수 내 해면혈관종 대한신경과학회지(Journal Of The Korean Neurological Association)
2008-09 Neurocutaneous Melanosis Presenting as Chronic Partial Epilepsy Journal Of Clinical Neurology
2008-06 장기 추적 관찰한 Rasmussen 뇌염 1예 대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society)
2008-05 Balloon cells and dysmorphic neurons in the hippocampus associated with epileptic amnesic syndrome: A case report Epilepsia
2008-01 일차단독요법에서의 라모트리진과 카바마제핀의 비교: 다기관 개방형 임상연구 대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society)
2007-12 Carbamazepine에 의한 만성적, 반복적 담관염 대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society)
2007-12 측두엽 간질 환자에서 발작 중 코 문지르기 대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society)
2007-12 항간질약물과 선천성 기형 및 임신 중 발작 조절 대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society)
2007-06 간질중첩증 후 가역적 팽대병변을 보인 환자에서 나타난 장기간의 전두엽장애 대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society)
2007-06 수면 무호흡과 대사성 기능 부전(대사성 증후군) 대한수면연구학회지
2007-01 다기관, 공개 임상, 단일군 시험을 통한 난치성 부분 간질을 가진 한국인에서 부가요법으로 사용된 레비티라세탐의유효성 및 안전성: 1년 이상의 추적 대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society)
2007-01 Efficacy and safety of levetiracetam as adjunctive treatment of refractory partial seizures in a multicentre open-label single-arm trial in Korean patients SEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2006-08 우측내경동맥 폐쇄를 지닌 환자에서 식후 저혈압으로 유발된 반복적인 일과성 뇌허혈증 대한신경과학회지(JournalOfTheKoreanNeurologicalAssociation)
2006-08 안와의 종양성 병변으로 인한 단안의 반복적인 시력저하 대한신경과학회지(JournalOfTheKoreanNeurologicalAssociation)
2006-06 Kainic Acid 유발 마우스 간질모델에서 Minocycline에 의한 Caspase 의존성 세포고사 억제 대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society)
2006-05 Minocycline inhibits caspase-dependent and -independent cell death pathways and is neuroprotective against hippocampal damage after treatment with kainic acid in mice NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS
2006-01 Patient awareness of complex partial seizures EPILEPSIA
2006-01 Relationship between bilateral temporal hypometabolism and EEG findings for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: Analysis of SEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2005-12 생쥐 Pilocarpine 모델에서 중첩경련으로 유발한 해마신경세포 사멸과 이끼섬유발아에 대한 MMP-9의 역할 대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society)
2005-01 Factors contributing to the stigma of epilepsy SEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2005-01 부분 간질 중첩증 환자에서의 혈관성 부종 대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society)
2005-01 Antiepileptic drug withdrawal after successful surgery for intractable temporal lobe epilepsy EPILEPSIA
2004-10 내측두엽간질 환자에서 일측성과 양측성 발작간 간질양파 간의 발작중 두피뇌파의 측위화 비교 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN NEUROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION
2004-08 Diffusion tensor MRI visualizes decreased subcortical fiber connectivity in focal cortical dysplasia NEUROIMAGE
2004-06 Single-photon emission computed tomography in a patient with ictal metamorphopsia SEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2004-02 경동맥 협착증에서 일과성뇌허혈발작으로 인한 지떨림 대한신경과학회지(JournalOfTheKoreanNeurologicalAssociation)
2004-01 Kainate 유발 간질모델에서 Aqurinic/Apyrimidinic Endonuclease의 빠른 소실과 이에 따른 세포고사 대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society)
2003-03 Post-transfusion posterior leukoencephalopathy with cytotoxic and vasogenic edema precipitated by vasospasm CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES
2002-12 측두엽경화증을 가진 측두엽 환자에서 시상의 손상 대한간질학회지
2002-06 Low dose and slow titration of topiramate as adjunctive therapy in refractory partial epilepsies: a multicentre open clinical trial Seizure
2002-05 Syndromic diagnosis at the epilepsy clinic: role of MRI in lobar epilepsies EPILEPSIA
2002-03 Interictal epileptiform discharges related to H-MRS-detected metabolic abnormalities in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy EPILEPSIA
2002-03 Coma probably induced by lorazepam-valproate interaction Seizure
2002-02 Ictal electrocorticographic findings related with surgical outcomes in nonlesional neocortical epilepsy EPILEPSY RESEARCH
2001-12 Localization of Claude's syndrome NEUROLOGY
2001-08 Ictal automatisms with preserved responsiveness in a patient with left mesial temporal lobe epilepsy EPILEPSIA
2000-12 항경련제의 다약물치료의 합리적인 방볍 대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society)
2000-04 열성 경련과 측두엽 간질의 관계 : 열성 경련을 경험한 성인 간질 환자에서 측두엽 간질이 호발하는가? 대한신경과학회지(JournalOfTheKoreanNeurologicalAssociation)
2000-03 Transient induction of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in neurons of rat cerebral cortex after status epilepticus NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS
1999-05 제 3형 Gaucher씨병으로 인한 진행성 근간대성 간질 2예 대한신경과학회지(JournalOfTheKoreanNeurologicalAssociation)