논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-10 Near-real-time hourly PM2.5 prediction over East Asia using geostationary satellite products and machine learning Atmospheric Environment
2024-09 Improved mean field estimates from the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) Level-3 aerosol optical depth (L3 AOD) product: using spatiotemporal variability Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
2024-08 Estimation of ground-level NO<sub>2</sub> and its spatiotemporal variations in China using GEMS measurements and a nested machine learning model Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
2024-08 Quantifying the diurnal variation in atmospheric NO<sub>2</sub> from Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) observations Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
2024-08 Deep Learning with Pretrained Framework Unleashes the Power of Satellite-Based Global Fine-Mode Aerosol Retrieval Environmental Science & Technology
2024-07 Aerosol optical depth data fusion with Geostationary Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite (GEO-KOMPSAT-2) instruments GEMS, AMI, and GOCI-II: statistical and deep neural network methods Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
2024-06 Interpreting Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) geostationary satellite observations of the diurnal variation in nitrogen dioxide (NO <sub>2</sub> ) over East Asia Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
2024-05 Global retrieval of stratospheric and tropospheric BrO columns from the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite Nadir Mapper (OMPS-NM) on board the Suomi-NPP satellite Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
2024-04 First evaluation of the GEMS formaldehyde product against TROPOMI and ground-based column measurements during the in-orbit test period Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
2024-04 North Korean CO emissions reconstruction using DMZ ground observations, TROPOMI space-borne data, and the CMAQ air quality model Science of the Total Environment
2024-02 A Robust Bad-Pixel Radiance Reconstruction for the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS)-Influences on Aerosol Retrieval IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
2024-01 First results of cloud retrieval from the Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
2024-01 Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) polarization characteristics and correction algorithm Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
2024-01 Effects of meteorological conditions on the mixing height of Nitrogen dioxide in China using new-generation geostationary satellite measurements and machine learning Chemosphere
2023-12 Retrieval of aerosol optical properties from GOCI-II observations: Continuation of long-term geostationary aerosol monitoring over East Asia Science of the Total Environment
2023-12 Potential improvement of XCO2 retrieval of the OCO-2 by having aerosol information from the A-train satellites GIScience and Remote Sensing
2023-10 Analysis and applications of the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) data Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
2023-10 A research product for tropospheric NO2 columns from Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer based on Peking University OMI NO2 algorithm Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
2023-08 First-time comparison between NO2 vertical columns from Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) and Pandora measurements Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
2023-07 A synchronized estimation of hourly surface concentrations of six criteria air pollutants with GEMS data npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
2023-06 Satellite-based, top-down approach for the adjustment of aerosol precursoremissions over East Asia: the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) NO2 product and the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) aerosol optical depth (AOD) data fusion product and its proxy Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
2023-05 Synergistic combination of information from ground observations, geostationary satellite, and air quality modeling towards improved PM&lt;sub&gt;2.5&lt;/sub&gt; predictability NPJ CLIMATE AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE
2023-05 Exploring geometrical stereoscopic aerosol top height retrieval from geostationary satellite imagery in East Asia Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
2023-04 A SmallSat Concept to Resolve Diurnal and Vertical Variations of Aerosols, Clouds, and Boundary Layer Height Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2023-02 Tropospheric NO2 vertical profiles over South Korea and their relation to oxidant chemistry: implications for geostationary satellite retrievals and the observation of NO2 diurnal variation from space Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
2023-01 Aerosol Layer Height Retrieval Over Ocean From the Advanced Himawari Imager Using Spectral Reflectance Sensitivity IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
2023-01 Assessment of air quality in North Korea from satellite observations Environment International
2022-12 Long-term variation of aerosol optical properties associated with aerosol types over East Asia using AERONET and satellite (VIIRS, OMI) data (2012–2019) Atmospheric Research
2022-10 Fast and operational gap filling in satellite-derived aerosol optical depths using statistical techniques JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING
2022-09 Simultaneous retrievals of biomass burning aerosols and trace gases from the ultraviolet to near-infrared over northern Thailand during the 2019 pre-monsoon season Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
2022-09 Airborne observations during KORUS-AQ show that aerosol optical depths are more spatially self-consistent than aerosol intensive properties Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
2022-08 Geostationary satellite-derived ground-level particulate matter concentrations using real-time machine learning in Northeast Asia ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
2022-08 AEROsol generic classification using a novel Satellite remote sensing Approach (AEROSA) Frontiers in Environmental Science
2022-03 Continuous mapping of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air quality in East Asia at daily 6 x 6 km(2) resolution by application of a random forest algorithm to 2011-2019 GOCI geostationary satellite data ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES
2022-01 Inferring iron-oxide species content in atmospheric mineral dust from DSCOVR EPIC observations ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2021-12 복사전달모델을 이용한 GEMS 일산화브로민 산출 민감도 시험 대한원격탐사학회지
2021-12 GOCI-II 자외선 채널을 활용한 흡수성 에어로졸 관측 대한원격탐사학회지
2021-12 First TROPOMI Retrieval of Aerosol Effective Height Using O-4 Absorption Band at 477 nm and Aerosol Classification IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING
2021-12 A global observational analysis to understand changes in air quality during exceptionally low anthropogenic emission conditions ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL
2021-11 Comparison of PM2.5 in Seoul, Korea Estimated from the Various Ground-Based and Satellite AOD APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
2021-11 Relating geostationary satellite measurements of aerosol optical depth (AOD) over East Asia to fine particulate matter (PM2.5): insights from the KORUS-AQ aircraft campaign and GEOS-Chem model simulations ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2021-09 Modeling Asian Dust Storms Using WRF-Chem During the DRAGON-Asia Field Campaign in April 2012 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES
2021-06 Effect of solar zenith angle on satellite cloud retrievals based on O2–O2 absorption band INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING
2021-06 Integration of GOCI and AHI Yonsei aerosol optical depth products during the 2016 KORUS-AQ and 2018 EMeRGe campaigns ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES
2021-05 The Korea-United States Air Quality (KORUS-AQ) field study ELEMENTA-SCIENCE OF THE ANTHROPOCENE
2021-04 Direct radiative forcing of biomass burning aerosols from the extensive Australian wildfires in 2019-2020 ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2021-03 Potential role of urban forest in removing PM2.5: A case study in Seoul by deep learning with satellite data Urban Climate
2021-02 Role of emissions and meteorology in the recent PM<inf>2.5</inf> changes in China and South Korea from 2015 to 2018 ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
2021-01 Assessment of Aerosol optical depth under background and polluted conditions using AERONET and VIIRS datasets ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT
2021-01 Investigation of the relationship between the fine mode fraction and AngstrOm exponent: Cases in Korea ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
2021-01 A fast retrieval of cloud parameters using a triplet of wavelengths of oxygen dimer band around 477 nm REMOTE SENSING
2021-01 Assessment of long-range transboundary aerosols in Seoul, South Korea from Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) and ground-based observations ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
2020-12 Synergistic use of hyperspectral uv-visible omi and broadband meteorological imager modis data for a merged aerosol product REMOTE SENSING
2020-12 서울의 기상 조건에 따른 미세먼지와 시정의 상관성 대기
2020-12 The implication of the air quality pattern in South Korea after the COVID-19 outbreak SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2020-09 Spectral Calibration Algorithm for the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) REMOTE SENSING
2020-08 Ground-based retrievals of aerosol column absorption in the UV spectral region and their implications for GEMS measurements REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT
2020-08 An overview of and issues with sky radiometer technology and SKYNET ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES
2020-07 Influence of cloud, fog, and high relative humidity during pollution transport events in South Korea: Aerosol properties and PM2.5 variability ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT
2020-06 지상 Pandora와 위성 OMI와 OMPS 오존관측 자료의 상호검증 방법에 대한 분석 연구 대한원격탐사학회지
2020-06 Understanding and improving model representation of aerosol optical properties for a Chinese haze event measured during KORUS-AQ ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2020-05 High-resolution mapping of SO<inf>2</inf> using airborne observations from the GeoTASO instrument during the KORUS-AQ field study: PCA-based vertical column retrievals REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT
2020-04 Estimation of spatially continuous daytime particulate matter concentrations under all sky conditions through the synergistic use of satellite-based AOD and numerical models SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
2020-03 Development of Korean Air Quality Prediction System version 1 (KAQPS v1) with focuses on practical issues GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT
2020-02 Refractive Index for Asian Dust in the Ultraviolet-Visible Region Determined From Compositional Analysis 3 and Validated With OMI Observations JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES
2020-01 Satellite-based estimation of hourly PM<inf>2.5</inf> levels during heavy winter pollution episodes in the Yangtze River Delta, China CHEMOSPHERE
2020-01 New era of air quality monitoring from space: Geostationary environment monitoring spectrometer (GEMS) BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY
2019-12 Retrieval of NO<inf>2</inf> column amounts from ground-based hyperspectral imaging sensor measurements REMOTE SENSING
2019-11 Empirical evidence of a positive climate forcing of aerosols at elevated albedo ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
2019-10 Underestimation of column NO<inf>2</inf> amounts from the OMI satellite compared to diurnally varying ground-based retrievals from multiple PANDORA spectrometer instruments ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES
2019-09 Cross-evaluation of GEMS tropospheric ozone retrieval performance using OMI data and the use of an ozonesonde dataset over East Asia for validation ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES
2019-08 Validation, comparison, and integration of GOCI, AHI, MODIS, MISR, and VIIRS aerosol optical depth over East Asia during the 2016 KORUS-AQ campaign ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES
2019-08 Effects of spatiotemporal O <inf>4</inf> column densities and temperature-dependent O <inf>4</inf> absorption cross-section on an aerosol effective height retrieval algorithm using the O <inf>4</inf> air mass factor from the ozone monitoring instrument REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT
2019-07 The Impact of the Direct Effect of Aerosols on Meteorology and Air Quality Using Aerosol Optical Depth Assimilation During the KORUS-AQ Campaign JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES
2019-07 Description of a formaldehyde retrieval algorithm for the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES
2019-05 Primary and secondary sources of ambient formaldehyde in the Yangtze River Delta based on Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) observations ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2019-05 Analysis of long-range transboundary transport (LRTT) effect on Korean aerosol pollution during the KORUS-AQ campaign ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT
2019-05 Atmospheric Transmission of Ultraviolet and Total Solar Radiation by Clouds, Aerosols, and Ozone in Seoul, Korea: a Comparison of Semi-Empirical Model Predictions with Observations ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2019-04 Southern Hemisphere mid- and highlatitudinal AOD, CO, NO2, and HCHO: spatiotemporal patterns revealed by satellite observations Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
2019-03 돕슨 분광광도계를 이용한 서울 상공의 오존층 감시 및 장기변화 경향(1985~2017) 대기
2019-03 Aerosol model evaluation using two geostationary satellites over East Asia in May 2016 ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
2019-01 Broadband dependence of atmospheric transmissions in the UV and total solar radiation TELLUS SERIES B-CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL METEOROLOGY
2019-01 Estimation of ground-level particulate matter concentrations through the synergistic use of satellite observations and process-based models over South Korea ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2018-12 The Variation in Aerosol Optical Depth over the Polar Stations of Korea AEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH
2018-12 서울 서대문구 지상 미세먼지 관측 비교 대기
2018-12 Total ozone characteristics associated with regional meteorology in West Antarctica ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT
2018-10 Introducing the geostationary environment monitoring spectrometer JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING
2018-10 Diurnal variation of aerosol optical depth and PM2.5 in South Korea: a synthesis from AERONET, satellite (GOCI), KORUS-AQ observation, and the WRF-Chem model ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2018-09 Regional Characteristics of NO2 Column Densities from Pandora Observations during the MAPS-Seoul Campaign AEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH
2018-09 Characteristics of Classified Aerosol Types in South Korea during the MAPS-Seoul Campaign AEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH
2018-08 NO2 and HCHO measurements in Korea from 2012 to 2016 from Pandora spectrometer instruments compared with OMI retrievals and with aircraft measurements during the KORUS-AQ campaign ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES
2018-06 Impact of high-resolution a priori profiles on satellite-based formaldehyde retrievals ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2018-05 Observations of the Interaction and Transport of Fine Mode Aerosols With Cloud and/or Fog in Northeast Asia From Aerosol Robotic Network and Satellite Remote Sensing JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES
2018-05 AHI/Himawari-8 Yonsei Aerosol Retrieval (YAER): Algorithm, Validation and Merged Products REMOTE SENSING
2018-04 연세에어로졸 알고리즘을 이용하여 정지궤도위성 센서(AHI, GOCI, MI)로부터 산출된 에어로졸 광학두께 비교 연구 한국지구과학회지